More Raps! lol (These aren't about swagger)

Sounds good production wise, maybe tighten the vocals a bit though editing it.

He sounds really sloppy.

Working with rap guys gets you alot of work it a really close scene, better than the metal scene. and they all take thier work serious, which helps when recording.
Have you noticed this?
Sounds good production wise, maybe tighten the vocals a bit though editing it.

He sounds really sloppy.

Working with rap guys gets you alot of work it a really close scene, better than the metal scene. and they all take thier work serious, which helps when recording.
Have you noticed this?


For metal bands, I have to hide shit in my room. (for example; the ukulele and drumsticks are BIGGG A.D.D. toys for people to make noise with)
And for rappers, they always showup on time, and are all set out to be "the next big thing" so it's really nice.