Moreproof Islam should be destroyed..


I usually go on the Opeth boards, but I thought today, while at work, I would check out your Forum since I am a fan of MOD/SOD, not to mention your sense of humour.

Only last night me and my mate who live in Newcastle, UK were saying how much 'Fuck the Middle East' rings true over and over again. It's not even funny....

Anyway, being Brits we are quite pissed off about these ridiculous reactions, which once again demonstrate the backwardness of the said religion, and it's all over the papers here.

Islam cannot and never will be able to see this kind of thing as lighthearted as say the Christian would take an episode of South Park, which as we all know, takes the piss out of Jesus all the time...and for fuck's sake God is depicted as a fucking big hairy creature in one episode.

I'm no religious scholar, and don't know much about the Muslim religion, but what I do know is that it is intolerant towards anyone it would seem thesedays. In London we have had gangs of hardcore extremists (is there any moderation at all with these people???) parading signs in the street which say things like 'London, you will get your 9/11' and 'The enemies of Islam (IE: everyone) should be purged.'

Now, in light of the London bombings of last year I think we have a right to be quite worried about this. There are lots of immigrants in Britian today who are spreading hate. What I fail to understand is the lack of police response. Surely, if there is anything right in the world today, people who incite murder and hate our way of life should not be allowed to live in the country, or should be made an example of. Although, I do understand that the delayed police response at best is due to fear that making on the spot arrests could stoke the fires.

Either way, what I am trying to say is that religion has been made a mockery of since day one, and if people are always going to take things personally when it comes to religious beliefs, then we are fucked.

It is a FUCKING CARTOON. OK, it might be deemed disrespectful, but if this is the spark which will cause more large scale attacks on the West, then I have lost all hope for any integration whatsoever.

I'm sorry, but I cannot see how these extremists can use this purely uneducated and dogmatic approach to fuel a deep rooted hatred.


that is all
Just so you realise, the fuss was majorly over the fact that it is against Muslim tradition that photos of Mohammed be published at all. So that's where much of the outburst was fuelled from.

The hour of judgment approacheth; and the moon hath been split in sunder: but if the unbelievers see a sign, they turn aside, saying, This is a powerful charm. But the hour of judgment is their threatened time of punishment: and that hour shall be more grievous and more bitter than their afflictions in this life. Verily the wicked wander in error, and shall be tormented hereafter in burning flames. On that day they shall be dragged into the fire on their faces; and it shall be said unto them, Taste ye the touch of hell. All things have we created bound by a fixed decree: and our command is no more than a single word, like the twinkling of an eye. We have formerly destroyed nations like unto you; but is any of you warned by their example?
Yeah I was aware of that. I think it is incorrect to show the prophet's face even...

Anyway, my rant was more aimed at how the uneducated masses will follow the dogma and the call for any kind of outburst over their religion. At the end of the day, we in the Western world do not go around inciting murder and behaving stupidly when our religions are mocked. Actually, maybe some people would do that. I guess what I am trying to say is if Christian religion forbid the depiction of Christ, I really doubt that if Muslims printed a cartoon of him, there would be this kind of outburst.

There does not seem to be any moderation or any compassion at all within the realms of Islam. I think it is a bastard religion anyway, which ripped off Judaism.
How do they know it is the Prophet Mohammed if images of him are banned? The one with the bomb in the turban looks like any fucking rag-head you care to mention.
Harlequin Forest said:
I guess what I am trying to say is if Christian religion forbid the depiction of Christ, I really doubt that if Muslims printed a cartoon of him, there would be this kind of outburst.

Well, maybe not a cartoon of Christ, because nobody here reads Arabic papers.

Some NYC dishrag was reproducing photos of things that were offensive to Christians and provoked demonstrations and boycots. You know, nonsense like "The Last Temptation" movie, that faggit who photographed a crucifix in urine, and that federally funded "artwork" of the virgin created out of elephant shit.

I guess their point was to prove how hypocritical average Americans are for complaining when their saviour is blasphemed, but not having sympathy for moslems when their beloved prophet is reviled.

Well, nobody demonstrated outside the newspaper's offices after publishing that stupid article. Maybe they got a few nasty phone calls, but that's it.

These fuckin libs try so hard to embrace these bomb wielding maniacs all while trying to make average American church-going families out to be little better than those towel-headed living bombs.


Jurched said:
Well, maybe not a cartoon of Christ, because nobody here reads Arabic papers.

Some NYC dishrag was reproducing photos of things that were offensive to Christians and provoked demonstrations and boycots. You know, nonsense like "The Last Temptation" movie, that faggit who photographed a crucifix in urine, and that federally funded "artwork" of the virgin created out of elephant shit.

I guess their point was to prove how hypocritical average Americans are for complaining when their saviour is blasphemed, but not having sympathy for moslems when their beloved prophet is reviled.

Well, nobody demonstrated outside the newspaper's offices after publishing that stupid article. Maybe they got a few nasty phone calls, but that's it.

These fuckin libs try so hard to embrace these bomb wielding maniacs all while trying to make average American church-going families out to be little better than those towel-headed living bombs.



Great point, Jurched...I was going to cite those same examples.
Me, I am all for religious blasphemy in any and all forms!!!!!!!!!!! I love it when people of "faith" reveal themselves to be raving fools.....

Also, in terms of these protests, remember these cartoons came out last Sept. This is clearly a case of manufactured outrage, being stroked on by the nuttiest elements in Islam.......
ZeeZooZum said:
Me, I am all for religious blasphemy in any and all forms!!!!!!!!!!!

:worship: On my knees and praising! ZeeZooZum akbahr!

This situation is about more things than religion but the way the imams and pastors bitch about this little baby of theirs it´s a orgy in blasphemy!