Steve Irwin is dead

Man this really sucks. I actually looked up to this guy a lot throughout my years, heh. I heard his wife still doesn't know, as shes hiking somwhere else in Oz right now?

Man, he was a good dude. Regardless of whether you liked his style, his goals were ACTUALLY HONORABLE. Animal Planet has been showing a couple life documentaries about him this afternoon that came out over the past few years and I welled up a few times. Mostly whenever he talked about his family and his wife. Sucks.
Opeth17 said:
Man, he was a good dude. Regardless of whether you liked his style, his goals were ACTUALLY HONORABLE. Animal Planet has been showing a couple life documentaries about him this afternoon that came out over the past few years and I welled up a few times. Mostly whenever he talked about his family and his wife. Sucks.

I'm watching that right now.
Wierd how we get choked up about certain people but when we see on the news that Joe Average was brutally murdered, we're like, "meh".
Just an observation.
Yeah, I've always thought that was weird too. I guess it's like that because we feel like we're closer to those "certain people" because we've seen their shows or seen their movies, etc... And that way we feel like we've grown to know them. At least, that makes sense to me.
Yeah, there's a wierd psychology behind it. You know? Like I really give a flying fuck about Steve Irwin but when I heard he was dead, I was kinda sad. Actually my main emotion had to do with the fear of getting stabbed in the HEART with an 8 inch BARB
Not weird at all. It's not like we personally know these celebrities, whether they're our favorite musicians or TV personalities, but we still feel close to them and feel like we understand a part of their character because we have something in common. When you watch this dude on TV for years and share a lot of the same feelings about our environment that he does, it's not hard to feel some sort of strange bond, as if he was someone you really knew.

Obviously though we know even less about some random person on the news. It's hard to attach yourself to a hollow name without any description or knowledge of the person behind it. Especially with how non-chalant it's always treated by the news and whatnot, we as a society of millions just don't feel for every unknown in the world. It's hard to shed a tear for some name on paper, especially when they could of been the worst or best of people and we really don't know.
Obviously we care more about certain people who are actually not a waste of flesh, rather than, say, fat american guitarists who single-handedly killed the metal genre.

like who? I'm curious cause I pay NO attention to trendy radio of MTV shite

sucks to be Steve Irwin's family but seriously, what kind of guy with a family bungee jumps without the bungee? I mean seriously, even those fags Sigfried and Roy thought they could reason with sentient beings like tigers and lions, who think somewhat, but Crocs and Stingrays don't think at all, they just react.

On the other hand, dying from a BARB to the HEART is FucKinG Methal as fuck
Crimson Velvet said:
Obviously we care more about certain people who are actually not a waste of flesh, rather than, say, fat american guitarists who single-handedly killed the metal genre.

hey let's not forget sepultura here