Scott Evil
Kill All Hippies
Trixxi Trash said:I forget that he was so known overseas (coz his show isn't even really on TV in Australia!), it's been all over the news the last week though. It certainly is a shame...
And on Friday one of our other Australian "icons" died, Peter Brock who is like our most famous racing driver died in a car crash! I grew up watching him race in Bathurst 1000 every year when I was kid and idolized him, and he was a great guy too and a real ambassador for road safety and ran programs to make the roads safer and everything, always involved in charities...
Not a safe week to be an Australian icon! They did both die doing what they loved and what they were famous for though - Steve filming a wildlife stunt thing, and Brocky racing...
Yeah, this sucks. I was sitting at home watching a movie, and switched over to TV for a piss break, and they mentioned Steve Irwin had died. I couldn't believe it. Then, later in the week, I'm sitting in the lunchroom at work and someone comes in and said, "Hey, Brockie just died in a car crash". What a week