This fucker, Steve Irwin/"Crocodile Hunter" was fucking crazy. I mean, he knew his shit when it come to animals (species/family/reptile/amphibian/mammal/ etc..) But, I guess he "MUCKED" with one too many animals. He wouldn't leave any animal alone. He would always go prodding and "fuck with" anything from birds to lizards to snakes to crocodiles to sting rays to whatever... Anyway, I thought he would get seriously injured by an animal, but never die. My condolonsces to his wife, Terri, and kids, Bindi Sue & Bob. As an aside, I think ledmag and I talked to rebirth (from Australia) and he said he knew some people that knew Steve Irwin and they said he was "a big pothead/loves to smoke reefer." No disrespect. Steve Irwin R.I.P.
Captain Beard said:
Can't say I'm entirely surprised.
I completely agree with you there. I know it sounds bad, but it was no shocker.. I mean the man poked at alligators and sharks with a stick to show off. " This creature has the most deadly venom in all of Australia, let's just poke him in the eye for 5 minutes and see if he gets angry" He taunted these poor animals. I'm actually surprised it didn't happen sooner.

It's sad for his family, but again not surprised. I thought the man was insane.
Sorry if this offends anyone.
I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did to be honest. Funny guy...





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DaveIoC said:
I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did to be honest. Funny guy...





There are more...

No disrespect to the guy at all (I thought he was brilliant), but....:lol: :lol: That's hilarious. Anyway, RIP.
The man did a lot for conservation, dedicated his life to it. His methods may have been a bit...odd, but that is for each person to decide for themselves.

RIP Steve
Yeah, really sucked, as I did enjoy his shows. They were entertaining to say the least. Some of the stuff, yes was syupid at times, but the guy had a special talent to be around those dangerous animals.