Morgana Lefay - Aberrations of the Mind


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
According to Black Mark's website, it has a March 19 release date, yet no vendor seems to have it -- in fact, The End (supposedly Black Mark Records' US distributor) doesn't even show a listing for it. Does anyone know if this disc has been released yet, or are we going to see another situation like we had in 2005 with Grand Materia (where BM delayed shipping out the disc for months after the release date for no reason)?

Or... does anyone have it yet???
Both normal CD and digipack seem to be in preorder with a release date March 30 at - at the moment, that is. :Smug:
It was first postponed to March 23, then again to March 30. but who'll know if it will be postponed even further. These things never change :rolleyes:
According to a post on the forum at the band's website, Impulse will have copies available this Monday (the 26th). I ordered a copy of the digi. We'll see if/when it actually arrives! :p
It's 'out there' right now, and I hear Laser's Edge expects to have it soon...

As for Black Mark... between the Morgana Lefay and the Nightingale albums...they're really annoying me at the moment.
Ooops... sorry. My apologies to Black Mark. I got them mixed up with Black Lotus, the Greek label.

no, you should apologize to Black Lotus, for mixing them up with such a crappy label. :lol:

It's 'out there' right now, and I hear Laser's Edge expects to have it soon...

As for Black Mark... between the Morgana Lefay and the Nightingale albums...they're really annoying me at the moment.

Actually, I have mine preordered thru CD Inzane (along with Thunderstone - Evolution 4.0, another of my most anticipated discs), but their page doesn't have any estimated release or arrival dates. And Black Mark is great... if you want a Bathory disc. For anything else... don't hold your breath.
Just got an email from Steve at Impulse -- he has a limited number of copies in right now. He is not expecting another shipment in for 2 weeks. So, if you can't wait, order from Impulse pronto. :)

I should have my copy by the end of the week -- woo hoo! :rock:
NEH Records shows it with a 03/27 release date...they're pretty good about getting stuff when they say...not in stock as of today, but you can check back tomorrow at and see if they have it...

Rock on!