Morgana Lefay?


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
Have you guys listened to this Swedish Powerthrash band .. they are reeeeeally great like Savatage with Gigantic balls hehehe I have been listening to them alot in the last 3 months or so and I am amazed about how many people know little or nothing of this band they are fucking great! ... at first listen my first thought was Holy shit the singer sounds like Jon Oliva ... and he does alot but not totally I dont think he set out to sound like Jon it just kinda worked out like that ...But the Music is Rock Solid and Heavy the Drumming is great .. kinda reminds me of nevermore or santuary at times .. but anyways they are a Great band I highly recomend to the UMOS bunch!:rock:
JonnyD said:
Have you guys listened to this Swedish Powerthrash band .. they are reeeeeally great like Savatage with Gigantic balls hehehe I have been listening to them alot in the last 3 months or so and I am amazed about how many people know little or nothing of this band they are fucking great! ... at first listen my first thought was Holy shit the singer sounds like Jon Oliva ... and he does alot but not totally I dont think he set out to sound like Jon it just kinda worked out like that ...But the Music is Rock Solid and Heavy the Drumming is great .. kinda reminds me of nevermore or santuary at times .. but anyways they are a Great band I highly recomane to the UMOS bunch!:rock:

Lefay sang half the vocals to the title track "Matters of the Dark" Tad Morose release. Live, Peter (drummer) sang Lefay's part, but I remember lots of people on the Tad Morose board talking about this band. Maybe I should check them out. The guy does sing well and does sound a lot like Jon Oliva, though it doesn't (from what I hear on the TM song) doesn't sound like he is trying to mimic Jon.

Bryant said:
Lefay sang half the vocals to the title track "Matters of the Dark" Tad Morose release. Live, Peter (drummer) sang Lefay's part, but I remember lots of people on the Tad Morose board talking about this band. Maybe I should check them out. The guy does sing well and does sound a lot like Jon Oliva, though it doesn't (from what I hear on the TM song) doesn't sound like he is trying to mimic Jon.

it took me a while to figure out that was him! I listened to the copy you gave me and I would hear that voice and I would flip out cause I could swear that was Jon! lol it wasnt hahaha an Interesting bit of History is the Fact that the Singer of Morgana Lefay and Krunt from Tad Morose were in a band together in like 1988 before MF or TM exsisted :grin: they are Brother Bands in a sense ... as for the name They are once again calling themselves "Morgana Lefay" since they have resigned to Black Mark and are working on a new Record called "The Grand Inquisition" I believe ... Morgana Would be a Perfect band for 3rd slot at Progpower!!!! prolly wont happen but I will fuckin dream! :)

OH and the singer doesnt sound like Jon all the time His cleaner vocals sound much Different but very nice and there acoustic Passages are Beautiful:rock:
I don't have any of the Morgana Lefay albums, but I have their last two released under the name Lefay. Seventh Seal is in my top-20 albums of all time. THE BOON HE GIVES!! THE BOON HE GIVES!!!

Lefay definitely kicks ass old-school style. Very reminiscent of Savatage, not only in vocals but in killer heavy, hooky riffs and the bombastic production.

Seventh Seal by Lefay definitely gets a VERY HIGH recommendation from me.

I just read that they are working on a new album and they are back to using Morgana Lefay (they signed with their old label who had rights to that name). So, for the ML fans out there, probably something new coming next year!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I don't have any of the Morgana Lefay albums, but I have their last two released under the name Lefay. Seventh Seal is in my top-20 albums of all time. THE BOON HE GIVES!! THE BOON HE GIVES!!!

Lefay definitely kicks ass old-school style. Very reminiscent of Savatage, not only in vocals but in killer heavy, hooky riffs and the bombastic production.

Seventh Seal by Lefay definitely gets a VERY HIGH recommendation from me.

I just read that they are working on a new album and they are back to using Morgana Lefay (they signed with their old label who had rights to that name). So, for the ML fans out there, probably something new coming next year!
The old stuff is Just as good as the new :) I have Seventh Seal coming to me in the mail anyday now.... Everything they do is good whether it be Morgana Lefay or just Lefay its good!!! go find yourself a Copy of "The Secret Doctrine" or "Fata Morgana" you will be pleased I'm sure:rock:
JonnyD said:
The old stuff is Just as good as the new :) I have Seventh Seal coming to me in the mail anyday now.... Everything they do is good whether it be Morgana Lefay or just Lefay its good!!! go find yourself a Copy of "The Secret Doctrine" or "Fata Morgana" you will be pleased I'm sure:rock:

Yeah, I do have some random mp3s and have heard song samples from their earlier albums. That all sounds great too, although the production sounds a little more dated on those older albums. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that...they just sound more 80s!

Their whole catalogue is available at The End Records and they are selling those old albums for $11-12. One of these days I'll get some extra money and just buy up their entire back catalogue. I almost have to go that route, because if I were just to buy one or two at a time, I wouldn't know where to start! They all sound great!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yeah, I do have some random mp3s and have heard song samples from their earlier albums. That all sounds great too, although the production sounds a little more dated on those older albums. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that...they just sound more 80s!

Their whole catalogue is available at The End Records and they are selling those old albums for $11-12. One of these days I'll get some extra money and just buy up their entire back catalogue. I almost have to go that route, because if I were just to buy one or two at a time, I wouldn't know where to start! They all sound great!

The Seventh Seal Arrived Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will let you know what I think of it ... I will love it ofcourse!:rock:
I'm looking forward for the new album, they are in the studio now.
They did play one new song at a gig in Sweden....people who were there said it was very good.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I just read that they are working on a new album and they are back to using Morgana Lefay (they signed with their old label who had rights to that name). So, for the ML fans out there, probably something new coming next year!
This is excellent news ! I sort of thought the band had called it quits or something since they haven´t put a new album out in such a long time. Good to hear they are working on new stuff.
Insania said:
The Boon He Gives, So Strange, the title track, all are just killer tracks Johnny D...

The Boon he gives is a good song but "Child of Time" is Great! :) as a matter of fact the Whole album Rocks! I cant wait to hear the new one "Grand Matieria" should be good I havnt heard a ML record that sucked yet .... granted I have no plans on checking out the self titled that isnt Morgana Lefay at all :)
Yeah, that opening riff on Child of Time is killer...

I dare say that So Strange is far and away my favorite, 'cause of the chorus. I am very much a thrash fiend, and this band, while far from thrash, is about the only metal I listen to that isn't of that ilk. Their thrashiest song I believe is Cimmerian Dream on S.O.S.

I would shit bricks if their new CD is thrashy while still maintaining thier sig sound.