
Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
This band is truly underrated and sadly missed in the power metal community. They released 3 great albums and had a totally amazing singer but he left and they got Kristian Wallin but the album has never seen the light of day. Personally I wasn't that disappointed as I don't really lke Wallin's voice but love Petterson's voice the ex singer. That dude should have got the Lost Horizon job. He has a really nice melodic edge to his voice and the band wrote great power metal tunes. Maybe they will finally get that Wallin fronted album released one day who knows. Of the 3 albums they released I think my favourite remains Possession of Power. It's the least professional sounding of the 3, but the songs and melodies are just something else. The 2 albums that followed are much more professional sounding and slightly less cheesy maybe than the regular power metal debut, but the songs are less catchy to me though still great like Lost Within a Shade which is an awesome tune. Domi-Nation their last album was much heavier but still very melodic. Shame this band died as they are a ton better than many PM bands out there today. Here's one of my fave tunes off the debut.

Yes, I was a big fan of these guys also. I considered them alongside a band like Heavenly, who always seems to be just under the radar, but was more enjoyable (for me) and fresh than many of the mainstays of the genre.
"Imaginarium" was a really good power metal album for sure! Easy listening, but with a good mixture of fun and seriousness.

The debut didn't do much for me, and albeit "Domi<>Nation" was a harder edged (and a bit more proggy) album it lacked some of the "fun" that "Imaginarium" had. They sounded more like a Tad Morose copy band on that last disc.

Anyway, this song "Memory's End" from "Domi<>Nation" is pretty good:
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I really like these guys. The demo's they released with the new singer on old songs sounded OK, I suppose. I'd still be interested to hear their new stuff. According to their website:

Morifade said:
The new Morifade album is entitled EMPIRE OF SOULS and will be a 10 track album.
The album is now complete with cover and layout and will be presented to various labels, our hope is that the album will be released during 2009.

We'll be back with cover design and also some audio clips from the album!