
Idiosyncratic Synergy

Doink Ownz J00
Feb 15, 2003
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I have searched all over and can not find one store that carries it. I tried cdnow, Sam Goody, Best Buy, and Century Media. Is it out of print? Any help would be appreciated.
I got "Morningrise" at Media Play. Ha, of all the God damn accursed places in the world. If you do not have a Media Play, then I suggest that you just order it online. I had to do that with Sigh because there isn't a place in this entire state that carries something as obscure and eccentric as that band.
I was shocked to see BWP, Deliverance and My Arms,... at Borders Books and Music here in WA. I was quite blown away by the underground selections they have. Still nowhere near as cheap as theend, but just the fact they actually carry it was pretty reassuring.
I managed to get a hold of Deliverance at Sam the Record Man, here in Canada. It cost me 27 bucks but that's a different story... *mutters* ...assholes. Then I managed to find Blackwater Park about a month and 10 stores later, then after another couple months of searching, A & B Sound got Orchid, My Arms Your Hearse, and Still Life in all at once. Still no Morningrise... cunts.
on They have the re-issued versions of the Disc...does the re-issue contain the extra tracks? or am I just getting my hopes up? :)
Idiosyncratic Synergy said:
I have searched all over and can not find one store that carries it. I tried cdnow, Sam Goody, Best Buy, and Century Media. Is it out of print? Any help would be appreciated.

I had this exact same problem about 2 months ago. I was finally able to buy one at