

New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

Now this is one of the best new discoveries band-wise I've made in many years. Morrigan is still very much an underground band, being signed to the excellent Barbarian Wrath label, and anyone who hasn't heard (of) them should a.s.a.p. Imagine Bathory's "Blood Fire Death" mixed with "Hammerheart", but with a modern, heavy production and what you have isn't far from Morrigan. I have their second album "Enter the Sea of Flames", released 2002, and it's simply amazing. Been a long time since I've listened to an album so much. Am about to get their debut "Plague, Waste and Death" soon.

Sadly, there is no MP3 of the album's best song "Anam Cara" available on BW's website (get it if you can though) but there are others, which are nearly as excellent (Bathory influence worn especially proudly on "In Cold Blood"):
Beyond the Green Hills
In Cold Blood

From "Plague, Waste and Death":
Plague, Waste and Death
Ashes to Ashes Lust to Lust

Tell me what you think... More people should hear this band.
I found out last night that my computer doesn't seem to have any music playing software any more :mad: need to sort that out...
Shame "The Basar" just doesn't sell the damn thing. They do, however, stock the legendary MetalLucifer album - Heavy Metal Chainsaw!


Not that I've ever even heard of it of course, but damn funny title and cover.