Moscow blasphemy! A new video!!

Holy crap, you know I would buy/download this if you made it available Sonm!! Not sure if people will need it, sheesh!! Can you hear yourself over there? :)
Okay! Then we'll start making it after I am back to Russia :)(which is just 1 month)!
Cheers! :hotjump:
I would download any size file and even the one that was posted I wouldnt wish to watch with better quality. Its sounds like a really great energetic song, and I really like the keyboard solo(atleast i think it was one). When you speak of a Dvd release yuor not talking about a proffesional concert dvd are yuo, because that would just be incredible..... I know Russian bands usually dont go for more then concert tapes but what are the chances of you actually releasing one. Say, one of the upcomming tour concerts. St. Petersburg or something..
Before releasing the second CD, we actually have already started the negotiations with the label about the album budget and stuff. I think we'll discuss the DVD things as well! We'll keep you informed anyway!
Sonm said:
Before releasing the second CD, we actually have already started the negotiations with the label about the album budget and stuff. I think we'll discuss the DVD things as well! We'll keep you informed anyway!


by the way...when the cd does come out...i want a signed copy!