Most Brutal Dictators?

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Make a list of you you consider to be the most brutal dictators. My top 5 List

5. Pol Pot. Ever hear about his prison? He deserves his spot on the list.

4. Idi Aman. African dictator. Killed millions of citizens of his own country and exield many Asian citizens.

3. Saddam Hussian. Obviously he has to be on the list. Terrorizing his people, secret poliece, rap rooms, torture chambers. We all know of Saddam's actions.

2. Adolf Hitler. DUH! But, Hitler number 2?! Yes, and when I get to number 1 I'll explain. I don't even have to explain why Hitler is on this list.

1. Josef Stalin. When talking about a dictators brutailty, Stalin takes the cake. Yeah, Hitler may have killed over 6 million people, but Stalin puts Hitler to shame when it comes to killing. This paranoid nut killed over 20 million people that he thought were his enimes. He had the Russian people shitting their pants in fear of being murdered. He deserves his spot at number 1.

Post your lists.
I'm reading a book on Benito Mussolini right now when I'm done I will get back to you on my completed list.

Best Regards,

Stephen Hawking uses his ineffable brilliance for the good of mankind. He's not a brutal dictator, he's a kickass dictator :kickass:
Sepsis said:
Stephen Hawking uses his ineffable brilliance for the good of mankind. He's not a brutal dictator, he's a kickass dictator :kickass:

no, he regularly gets his limbs broken by his wife because he's a mean piece of shit.

you piss him off, he'll chase you.
Vlad the impaler should be in the list, sure the body count can't compete with Adolf or Uncle Joe but in his case its the quality
WHY you are on this subject.

SHAKA - ZULU ruler.

talk about a bad ass motherfucker. no one like him as a kid, the men treated him like shit. the women were kind to him.

when he rose to power he totally stripped the mean of the social status and put them back down to the level of boys.

then changed the zulu fighting technique by dumping three sided thorns in a field, surrounded by his thugs, he felt that if he fights barefoot, everyone should so he had is regular army pound those thre pronged horns into the ground...

also a very high body count.

Dont Forget Tomas De Torquemada

Liver Eating Johnson

The Harpe Family

The cave dwelling cannibals in the caves in scotland...forgot the name

a lot more off that book i read.
I agree with Crypt´s list.
Saloth Sar aka Pol Pot was the most brutal one hands down.
And I´m reading pretty huge book about Stalin now-it´s vicious.

see below.
My ex-misses...............fuck she was bad news :erk: . Good mom but i lived in fear for 8 years....fucking long 8 years....ohhhhhhhhh the torture i've been in theropy....shit i gotta go back there now its all coming back...... :yell: .
YOU BASTARDS, I thought it had finished, the dreams,the relapses,the drugs...fuck that bitch even made me listern to KISS................................................ :hypno: .
nik said:
My ex-misses...............fuck she was bad news :erk: . Good mom but i lived in fear for 8 years....fucking long 8 years....ohhhhhhhhh the torture i've been in theropy....shit i gotta go back there now its all coming back...... :yell: .
YOU BASTARDS, I thought it had finished, the dreams,the relapses,the drugs...fuck that bitch even made me listern to KISS................................................ :hypno: .

Oh shit, I guess you need to relax Nik...:hypno: ;)
johnnieCzech said:
Oh shit, I guess you need to relax Nik...:hypno: ;)

Dude......she's still out there :cry: .This women needs special treatment DONT think your safe over there in the land of the Czech's she could holiday there next year......worried we all should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RUN, SAVE YOURSELF'S, TURN TO DRINK FUCK IT WHERES THE DRUGS....