Crimson Moonlight - At Their Most Brutal

Nice discussion
Its amazing how prejudice is ok if its aimed at Christians, but not if its aimed at ethnic minorities or disabled people.
Christians, Satanists and tree-fetichists alike have the human right to listen to their chosen music, play their chosen music, and not be ridiculed by ignorant bigots.

Just because you label me "Christian" (and by that I mean the stereotypes and prejudices that many so-called black-metallers seem to have), does that mean that justifies your own narrow view of the world?
Lighten up, yourmother: God loves us all, you included. Music is meant for us all to enjoy. Have a beer and a laugh and lets forget our differences.

Bless you all
yourmother said:
you guys make me sad bm is not ment for christians don't you get the whole idea from bm?? BM is invented bij antichristians and bm stands for antichristianity, and antihuman, you guys are pathetic really..why don't you kill yourself and go to your stupid little 'heaven' hahahahaha
Haha that was lame... you sound like a 5 years old
yourmother said:
you guys make me sad bm is not ment for christians don't you get the whole idea from bm?? BM is invented bij antichristians and bm stands for antichristianity, and antihuman, you guys are pathetic really..why don't you kill yourself and go to your stupid little 'heaven' hahahahaha

Actually, contrary to popular belief, BM originally stood against adequate capitalization and punctuation. :loco: But, seriously, I find that by limiting myself to groups that have adopted certain paradigms, or avoiding ones that aren't necessarily in line with my own views, makes me miss out on a lot of good music. To each his own, I suppose. However, I'm just as apt to listen to Crimson Moonlight as I am to listen to the band in your Now Playing. :wave:
Satanism and atheism are just as much religions as christianity. It's impossible to seperate basic belief systems from music unless you have NO lyrics at all (or you sing about something totally out of the human realm, like space or something)

just about to post that, but then i read yours. good job. they are not so much religions as they are worldviews, or basic categories for how humans view life.

pilgrim studies theology in seminary (not a halfassed christian)and he is good at what he does vocally (not a halfassed metalhead). not saying that seminary is the catchall, but it shows his dedication by going for something that is relatively hard to gain anything from monetarily. plus, if you had spent time with him, you would see he is very very dedicated to his faith and his pursuit of metal. it almost seems over the top compared to most metalheads.

i think his extol/omc child was tongue in cheek. if you get mad over that, joke's on you.