Most creative riffs ever in metal.


(/-_-)/ the squiggly one
Jul 21, 2012
Anyone recommend me the most creative riff you know, and/or riffs that you are proud of :worship: I'm looking for a good banging-of-the-head syndrome that lasts for at least a month. :)
Yes. Something innovative, not ripped off or watered down.
Thanks for the bands, post more please :)
@ HamburgerBoy - nice choice from Voivod. Their unique tuning makes a lot of their riffs quite different from the norm though.

Im sure stuff like this will work:

Asphyx - The Krusher

Entombed - Sinners Bleed

Gorod - Thirst For Power

Gorguts - Nostalgia

Judas Priest - Electric Eye

Manilla Road - Hammer of the Witches

Immolation - Sinful Nature
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Not sure what your genre preference / pre knowledge of bands are so im just gonna post some..

That should do for now, hopefully youve not heard of some of them :p
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Creative and creative....i dont know if it can be mentioned as the most creative riff. But i feel this song and main riff has the core essence of metal. Its a song i just gotta hear from time to time and cant get tired of hearing it. Might not be what you asked for but to hell with it. Listen to it anyway.

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oh these work all right. some creative fapping i must say.
genre preference? umm, some death that's not too death-y, it's hard to put in words.
something like this


yeah, something in between or along those lines.
thanks for the bands/songs btw, i apologize for the late reply :p
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holy fuck i gotta say.
i will post too just to be fair to those who made the effort of reccing me these bands/songs, hehe.


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Gorguts easily fits into this category. See Obscura and From Wisdom to Hate. I haven't listened to their latest yet so I can't comment on it (I think it's not officially out actually)
Really depends on how you look at it. Black Sabbath had the most creative riffs in metal at one point.

Black Sabbath
War Pigs

simple riffs, but nothing like them had been heard before.

Also, Randy Rhoads.