More Riffs On Punk CDS or Metal CDS?

LuminousAether said:
Nasum are grindcore, which is a subgenre of hardcore, which is a subgenre of punk. It is not a stretch at all to call Nasum punk, and they are MUCH better than Cryptopsy, especially talentwise.
I'll have to check out more Nasum, if they are more talented than the almighty Crytpopsy. But from what I heard from them so far, they don't sound punk at all; Napalm Death are much more punk compared to them. But I still find that metal is better than true punk. There is no question that bands like Cryptopsy, Suffocation, and Nile own bands like The Descendents, Schreeching Weesel, and Bouncing Souls when it comes to talent.
Cryptopsy were ok with Lord Worm, but that Desalvo guy is one of the worst vocalists I have heard in metal. I can't believe they would trade someone who can actually growl for someone that sounds like a tough guy moron. It boggles the mind.
Well, I don't think they made the decision to ditch lord worm and take in mike, lord worm had his reasons to leave to pursue a different career. but i will agree that mike in my opinion completely fucked up the sound of cryptopsy with his annoying hardcore vocals
it is definitily harder to make a punk album. just look on tv, there are so many punk bands and so few metal bands. therefore it is much easier to be original in metal because there are less bands.
me troll? nah. i hope you laughed when you read my post. if you did then what's the problem? if you didn't laugh then you need to chill out. yes, this thread is obviously a stupid trolling attempt but i didn't start it.
eminem said:
me troll? nah. i hope you laughed when you read my post. if you did then what's the problem? if you didn't laugh then you need to chill out. yes, this thread is obviously a stupid trolling attempt but i didn't start it.

Sorry. I really have a hard time telling sarcasm online. But, yeah, everyone's a little on edge with all these damned trolls (still looking at Listener1254)
eminem said:
it is definitily harder to make a punk album. just look on tv, there are so many punk bands and so few metal bands. therefore it is much easier to be original in metal because there are less bands.

:lol: Hahahahahaha. It's a rare occasion when I actually find ignorance funny. And, this is that rare occasion. Hahahahahahahahahaha.


1 riff in a song or 1000x riffs in songs doesnt make the song or the band good.

I can think of songs like the Cry on man kind by My dying bride that has 1 main riff and this song is very solid and enjoyable.

At the same time a band like Spawn of Possesion that has alot of riffs all over the place is still very enjoyable.

Its subjective.

Now its not hard to make power chord punk riffs.
Most of them follow a I-IV-V-I prog and move them around in diffrent keys.

I can make a thousand of these type of punk riffs.
And i can make 500 songs a cd.

This dosent mean it's better.

In a Jazz song the make a chord prog and improvise over it the whole song, it is harder to do this then to make a punk song,

you are realy stupid and week.
And i hope you get hit by a truck
Who exactly are you talking to when you say: "you are realy stupid and week.
And i hope you get hit by a truck"


Edit: BTW, it's "really." =/
I think your friends only know about nu metal, have you heard slayer songs such as "Metal Storm/Face the Slayer" that has about 10 riffs or more and yes DARK ANGEL- time does not heal wow!!! I'm with you on that one Reverend Bizzare! D.R.I rules though!!!!!!!
nergal_S said:
1 riff in a song or 1000x riffs in songs doesnt make the song or the band good.
Big bump on that. A metal album with less songs, and therefore less riffs, is not worse than a punk album with many more riffs, that are for the most part just three or four power chords.