I think a lot of us were curious if Myrath could really sound like that live, and then they sounded even better then expected despite almost being late for their show. This is the real joy of going to a concert - to be surprised. To me, Circus Maximus was the ultimate performance because I connect with their lyrical melodies and proggy madness a lot more then the other bands. I was so prepared for them to be awesome, and they made it amazing for us.
Myrath was really quite professional, and their drummer is perhaps the best part of the band. His time changes and aggressive playing style mixed with stick twirling and blast beat madness is amazing. I felt like that was neil peart 2.0 up there. It was the first time I've heard someone other then portnoy/mangini live that could do that stuff so well. I play guitar/drums, so I hear all this a little different then some people. I favor technique and musicianship over story telling, and such. Myrath and Circus are able to do both at the highest level in their genre. Rhapsody was another band where I didn't believe they could do it live, but it was unbelievable to see them perform - they are #3 if I had to rank all the acts. I'm not as much into metal as I am prog and retro, and I don't think this festival is for thrash/mosh style stuff. It seems like the organizers are trying to dedicate 30% to new music, 30% to the far past, and then 30% to what everyone agrees is good. So I guess that's a good way to set it up since you don't cause anyone to feel alienated. I want to hear melody and unique phrasing that breaks the mold of traditional 70/80s rock/metal. Metal just adds excitement and energy that makes it more fun then classical style. More symphonic music is all fundamentally the same as what these bands are doing. The bands that are more rooted in complex music theory are more important to me then those that focus on dance-like 4/4 rhythms for 3 minutes a pop.
I was also surprised how enjoyable some of the "old school" style bands I didn't own an album for yet were. Like "Wolf" was really fun to see (that voice!) and I'm getting into Armored Saint a bit more now, but they are not in that strictly prog/power metal scene that I like to focus on. Next year's act are so much more "true" to the essence of the genres (prog / power metal), and clearly it is selling faster because of that. Seventh Wonder is already the best one next year to me. Right before the initial video announcement on Friday, I said to my friend that "If Seventh Wonder comes next year, I'm definitely coming." How did you know the band I wanted to see most? LOL.
I really didn't expect a mosh pit for Soilwork, but I guess some people had to let it out. Their older music was more "brutal" as they say. I think their new album was a lot cleaner and prog oriented then the live performance felt, but that was cool to have some other variety in the mix.
I really want to see Andromeda when they release another album again, as they are one of my favorite modern prog bands. It seems they are hitting some of the upcoming international prog power fests.
I also want to see Haken sometime. Wow - I just found out about progressivenationatsea.com If I can come up with the money for that, it would be amazing too. "The Mountain" instantly became one of my favorite albums ever.