I saw it! Definitely all scripted except for the simpson bit. Great stuff. I still love OZZY even though I think the show has ruined his "metal"ness. The part where Mandy Moore is making stockings with the kids was especially cheesy. A lot of it was just TOTALLY scripted. But it was better than watching the real world or road rules or all that other MTV crap, I suppose. THE KID ROCK CHRISTMAS SPECIAL airs tomorrow on VH-1 and that should be good. I don't know how you guys feel about KID ROCK (I'm guessing most hate him here) but damn, I love that Bob Ritchie! If I were a musician, I would be Kid Rock, if that makes any sense. I think he really mixes country, rock, metal, and yes even hip hop well.
Plus, the guy hangs out with Jesse James. What more do you need to know?
An American Badass