Old School Riffage movie...


Has anyone here seen the School of Rock movie?!
The ball & chain & I went to see it last night(her pick).
I wasn't sold on this Jack Black guy. I know there have been threads on him on the General Music board. They praise him as the next Belushi(?) or Farley...
I can tell you, that while I'm not a "fan" of Tenacious D or of his... I thought the movie was pretty funny & was entertaining...
I read somewhere that he wants to play Ozzy in the feature film of Ozzy's life...
I think he could pull it off....
I was thinkin of taking my Woman to the movies on her birthday next weekend Maybe it should be that movie If you say its entertaining it must be :p I dont know if I would go as far to say the guy is the next bulishi But he is pretty fukin funny
JonnyD said:
I was thinkin of taking my Woman to the movies on her birthday next weekend Maybe it should be that movie If you say its entertaining it must be :p I dont know if I would go as far to say the guy is the next bulishi But he is pretty fukin funny

Take the old ball n chain to this, while it's not one that will make you bust a gut it will be worth watching...