mother fuckers want to disrespect maaiiddeen

Dec 27, 2004
Fucking at the bar right now on my phone just smashed some poser faggots face in for trying to steel my armor while maiden was playing. I was trying to be civil and thought he weas joking but he was not ands he swugn on me so I smashed his fucking face in and then kicked his posert face with the ol boots. Fucking douche. Blood all over the place. Fuck these weiners and happy halloween! Up the irons!
Sheesh. Sober now. He stole my leather jacket and then swung at me and hit my wife. So, it was quite warranted.
Damn that's not cool.

Speaking of fights, Ken...Acie wanted to fight you last night. Yes, YOU specifically. Trying to upload the video haha :loco:
I guess he didn't hit my wife but he did try to steel my jacket and was being a general douche. He got it very bad. Random people I didn't know where kicking him in the face at the end. Apparently he ran out of the bar and I stood up with blood on my hands, gave the horns and yelled 'iron fucking maiden' and walked out of the bar.
I wonder if the fool knew it was your jacket.
The fool probably knew it wasn't his own, at least.