2nd show in Montréal .... !!


and his staff
Nov 27, 2001
Montréal, Canada

They played the same set list as 12 nov. except they swapped the first 2 songs (Silent night and Needled)

Once again, COB was -the- band that dominated the stage, the whole crowd was yelling their name from the second they got up there, until like 5 or 10 minutes after they left.

I was right up front against the fence, until 2 assholes behind me decided to steal my spot. One of them grabbed me from behind, smashed my face with his elbow and shoved me back.... right in front of a fuckin security guard, and he saw nothing. Of course i didn't want to retaliate, cause i would have probably got kicked out of the show, but i notified the security guard right in front of those 2 backstabbing motherfuckers, he saw my bleeding lip, and warned them that the next, slightest sign of violence from them, and they're kicked out immediately... which did happen a few minutes later anyway. What the hell can i say, you go around randomly hitting people at a concert, you get kicked the fuck out pretty fast.

It just fucking pissed me off that i couldn't smash their 2 damn shit heads open without risking to get in trouble with the security myself.

THOSE TWO FAGGOTS IF YOU HAPPEN TO READ THIS: If i EVER see you again at a metal gig, they will not even bother to pick up all your severed pieces to bring to the morgue. I will not hesitate GOT IT¤±@£¢¦
heatherxlove said:
haha, some kid was pushing people around at the st.louis show trying to grab a spot up front and me and some other GIRLS bitchslapped him and told him to go away. lol.
Ive always wanted to give someone a good bitchslapping, but it sounds fun. No trouble at all here in denver, except there was a lonely camper up front who didn't seem into the show and just sat there and did nothing, i almost hit him in the back of the head and said, "hey, if your not gonna have any fun, GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE."
> Shoulda killed them after the CoB set, that way, its
> not like you;d miss any good bands, lol

yeah, i was kinda hoping they'd be really pissed and wait for me outside, that way i would have had the personal satisfaction of ripping both their heads off.

anyway, those 2 are on my permanent shitlist, next time i see them a fucking mop will take care of cleaning them off the floor & walls.
delt said:
next time i see them a fucking mop will take care of cleaning them off the floor & walls.
HAHAHAHA all i could think of is the toxic avenger at that point, toxie, melvin, whatever you wanna call him.
> HAHAHAHA all i could think of is the toxic avenger at that
> point, toxie, melvin, whatever you wanna call him.

heh (: (: i dont know about that show/movie/comic/whatever, but i will "avenge" to the death my right to see a metal gig without getting cowardly grabbed, shoved & attacked from behind -)

> At least they got kicked out. Would have been worse
> if you had to put up with them the whole night.

Dude, if i had to put up with those two fucking jackasses for the whole night, i think what Gavin said would have been more than likely to happen.
THe toxic avenger is a super hero story gone horribly wrong. This guy, melvin, is just a normal guy, but then he gets covered in toxic waste, which deforms his body horribly. Anyway he becomes a superhero after that, and to tell the police hes been there, he leaves a mop to clean up all thegore and stuff. One instance is when this bad guy is lifting weights, and you know those weights where you put the pin in to how much you wanna lift, its one of hose machines. ANyway hes lifting weights and toxie puts his head under that spike that goes ino the weights, and lets go of the rope. Our bad guy is thoroghly impaled through the face. So that is where the mop comes in. It a Troma film, and of redicules stupidity, but still a lot of fun. Other Troma favorites include, "Rabid Grannies", "Toxic avenger 2" "Citizen TOxie" (number 3 of the toxic series), and "tromeo and Juliet"