Fan ripped off by security

Pretty much.

You know how I know he uses brass picks? He just threw me one. I don't even know where in the world he is right now, but it flew right through my window. It smells of sex and alcohol. And handsome mustache.
Sorry about the drumstick...I was right next to you when it happened. I was the girl with the camera taking pictures. I was going to tell the security guard off as it was, but there was no arguing with them. Maryland is very different than NY/NJ area. Everyone was really nice to me down there, but security was a bunch of assholes. Up here security would give you the drumstick and water and anything else they could. I've even had security make sure no one landed on me when I was up in front all alone. Sorry about the drumstick....I saw how upset you were afterwards, but cheer up because you got to watch an amazing show.
I saw how upset you were afterwards, but cheer up because you got to watch an amazing show.

Exactly, you need to capitalize the moment. I never take a camera with me, for example, because I just wanna rock. It leaves you with much more than those pics.
@Joonas: We're 19 years old and while probably all of us would have done the same as the security guard did, you know too that you'd feel bad if the same thing happened to you so no need to play the tough guy role.
How old were we again?

Just to make myself clear, I know it sucks and I'm deeply sorry for the girl who lost it, but anyone of you would've done the same thing in the guard's position.

No fcking way !!!1 And Im sad that some, hopefully few, people think like you do !!1

Hope that stick burns his hands off !"! :zombie:

Actually, no, a lot of people would have done the same thing, even if it's a sad fact to accept for you.

Same thing happened to me at a show a couple of months back.
The bassist for this band looked straight at me, waved and threw me his pick.
Everyone around me saw it happen, I had this giant banner that I had made for the show.

The security guard picked the pick up, grinned at me and passed it to his friend. Who passed it to another security guard and who passed it to another guy. This went on for a couple of minutes while I begged them to just give it to me. I had people I didn't even know begging the guards to give it to me, they all saw that the bassist threw ME the pick. But no. They all laughed at us and told us to "get out of the venue, the show's over". I was furious.

Some security guards are good guys and are willing to help you out over and beyond what their job calls for. But alot of them are fucking assholes.
^A lot of guards, doormen etc. use hormones and that's one of the reasons many of them are the way they are.

Actually I had a once in a lifetime chance a couple of months ago to rob a lady 240€, and as of today I still don't know why I didn't.
^A lot of guards, doormen etc. use hormones and that's one of the reasons many of them are the way they are.

Actually I had a once in a lifetime chance a couple of months ago to rob a lady 240€, and as of today I still don't know why I didn't.

I suggest this guy gets banned from the forum !
(I hope this is the right place for this kind of thread)

So I was at the Bodom show at Rams Head Live in Baltimore 2 nights ago. (9-11-08)
And I was in the front row the whole night just minded my own business and occasionally talking to this security guard who seemed to be a nice guy. Then at the end of Bodom, Jaska looked me right in the eye and threw one of his sticks at me and for once I actually caught it. I was so fucking happy and the same security guard congratulated me. Then Henka walked by while leaving the stage, and threw a pick or something and for some reason me and my boyfriend try to get it and I drop the stick. It went over the guard rail and the exact same guard toke it and put it in his back pocket. I asked him for it back and his response was "You never had it in the first place". My boyfriend kept talking to the guy begging him, and eventually my boyfriend had to walk away because he didn't want to start a fight with him.

So I told another guard the story. He didn't believe me and went and asked the guy backstage. He came back like 5 minutes later and said that the guard had no idea what I was talking about. I remember leaving in tears. Bodom is my favorite band and I've been waiting almost two years to go to one of their shows. Its like this guy toke away the highlight of my night. I know I'm dumb ass for dropping it but still its fundamentally fucked up.

If it counts for anything the guitarist in black dahlia murder stopped me and my boyfriend and said we were good looking. And he emptied his pockets for me and gave me his melted chocolate chip cookie lulz
Well I'm sorry to hear that, and I would have felt even more sympathetic for you were it not for:

Another thing you all might find to be interesting......Alexi kept going behind the amp and coming out twitching his nose, and moving his mouth, kinda how you do when you just did a line of coke. :/

Honestly, have a little respect please. He's continuing to play while he is puking his guts out to please you and you say some stuff like this...

As far as your options go, all you can really do is this:

About the only thing you could maybe do, is contact the venue, and let them know what happened, they could at least mention it to the security firm. Doubt there would be anything they could do. You would need to have a description of the security man.

Also try to contact the promoter and get witnesses. The promoter works closely with the venue and security and it's his bread and butter the security is fucking with so he/she might be able to help. I wouldn't expect the stick back but you could get the guy reprimanded, or maybe even a free ticket to a concert if the promoter feels bad.
wow, you're an asshole.

What the fuck do you mean by that?

A LOT of doormen are assholes, I've experienced that, if you haven't, then don't deny me. There was even an incident in my hometown when a person got shot in the head by a doorman. Reason? I'd say hormones.

The other thing was I walked to lift some cash up, and I figured the lady who'd just left had forgotten her cash (240€) on there. I had 5 seconds to think whether to take it and leave, or give it back. I yo'd at her and gave the money. She even gifted me 20€ for my honesty.

HOW THE FUCK does this make me an asshole?

Sorry for the fuming but I just want clarification because I don't intend to be an asshole.