Just back from the Montréal gig... !!

yeah with the complete success they've had so far in this north america tour, the managers will HAVE to make them the headline band in next tour.

or else :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: ±@£¢¦³±@£¢¦³²!!!!!
In my show at least, they had to pretty much set their shit up.. make sure everything was to their pleasing. As it was they had to play in a shitty set up and a generic drumset that all 3 bands had to use (Jaska came on and adjusted this set to his liking until they were ready to play ..I could tell he wasn't that comfortable with it, but he kicked ass anyway ..Even though they fucked up the Bass drum sound >( AHHH!!!!)
In Montréal it was people who work for the place (le medley) who took care of setting things up between bands - putting up each guitarist/bassist's racks on the amp stacks, removing and adding drum pieces, etc etc.
delt said:

> Sniff Sniff Sniff Sniff... I give up...CoB will never play in Brazil anymore...
> In the last tour the gig on my city was cancelled... I need to see this gig!!!

THAT FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!! :cry: i'm really sorry to learn about that :__( anything to do with Alexi's guitars getting stolen?

maybe you can move somewhere in the northern Montréal area, and find a nice place to live (like my appartment :grin: ) then you could see Bodom, and Cradle of filth, and Deicide, and Moonspell, and Symphony X, and me (: (: (:

*huggzzz* !!
Hei hei! Take it easy!!! :mad:
No no...I'm sure that my boyfriend -WildChild In Time- don't like this idea...
thats great to see you American fans having so fucking great time there !:rock: this remembers me to old times (may 2003) when I were on a COB show and met them all. that was just best day in my life, which I surely will never forget!!! and I am sure with this for you all also.

@Jester Jake: haha...would like to see that, that should be funny as hell :grin:

!:kickass: hail CHILDREN OF BODOM - the best band on planet!!! :worship:
Well I made something like 1200km in 3 days to see them at Montreal. Temperature were so shitty, something like 20hrs of road in three days because of it.. anyway! Show were fucking great but Cob played too shortly, and the set-list were not the best (well not what I've hoped for:P). If they would've played Bed Of Razor or Lake Bodom :)
Anyway, fucking great show indeed.. and Dimmu kicked ass too!

Quebec is so vast!! At least we have many many great show in Rouyn-Noranda too :)