Be still, O wand'rer!
Hey J, when feeling cornered, you should just turn to Islam. Hey, if it was good enough for Cat Stevens... 
J. said:Questioning is fine, but I hardly see questioning on UM regarding Christianity. The stuff I see if usually the variety of "lol Christianity sux stoopid fundies HAHA". There's hardly a question or even a want for intelligent debate anywhere in those bashing threads. And not to pick on NAD, but just look at his first post. That is the stuff I see 99% of the time. There's a difference between "questioning" and "bashing". One requires intelligence, the other does not.
That sings whiny music whilst kicking dat ass?Black Winter Day said:The final boss would be Emo... an amorphous, changing fighter that has the power of Egyptian Ra, Siddhatha and Elvis Costello.