speed said:
I dont see why Chrisitianity isnt important, as western culture is partially infected with it, and half of America thinks Jesus has a personal plan for their lives, leading them to elect a chimp and his henchmen for a second term.
People can think whatever they want. That doesnt affect the real morality of what they (are supposed to ) believe.
Hm i would write a long answer to all the things mentioned in the thread, but i am tired. I suggest to BUMP another similar thread were i made "long posts" about the whole thing. If was an american maybe i would be an atheist too.
J. said:
Hey, kinda like the people that constantly bitch about it. :cool:

With the pretty obvious difference that they don't have a divine code of morals, preaching compassion etc., to follow.

I can well understand that relgious people want their teddy bear god to hug when things get rough, but I sure as hell cannot respect it and the all hypocrisy of a life in complete denial of the rest of the package of believes supposedly accompaning it. :yuk:
spaffe said:
With the pretty obvious difference that they don't have a divine code of morals, preaching compassion etc., to follow.
So, you're saying that it's OK for these people to be hypocrites? It's OK to bitch and moan about intolerance, while being intolerant yourself?

"Divine code of morals" or not, that's still utter stupidity.

(I'm speaking generally of course, and not pointing the finger at anyone in this forum)
I am fucking intolerant and do not understand why that should be a bad thing. Should I tolerate that some kind of Israeli dirt is taken by neighbours who got it from neighbours and finally it's here, dumped on my lawn. Damn I am good at expressing myself, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU JESUS CHRIST! [/inri]
Well now we're starting to need a clear definition of "intolerant" or else this discussion will very likely derail; but I will try to get along without it, sine we'll probably not be able to agree on one anyway.

The reason why I would want to point such a thing out would be to (in utter vain in most cases I guess) highlight flaws and hopefully inspire some critical thinking in the person in question. Since the static and once and for all setteled world view of most christians is something very negative and usually leads to a blunt (and most importantly perhaps; safe and comfortable) narrowmindedness. This is not my definition of intolerant, but perhaps it's yours, see what I mean?
Intolerant to me, is not respecting others' point of view, beliefs, creeds, religions, thoughts, etc, and instead attacking them simply because you do not agree.

For example, most here are intolerant of Christianity.
The Southern states are intolerant of gay marriage.
Lots of Christians are intolerant of others' space.

And what bothers me the most is that intolerant people (face it, we're all intolerant of something) dont know both sides of the story before attacking, or they are simply generalizing.
I'm intolerant of the hypocrisy of Christianity, and intolerant of their intolerance.

As far as beliefs go, I don't think it's any more or less foolish than any other religious system. I think they are all bunk, but then again I don't pretend to know the absolute truth behind any sort of theism.
J. said:
Intolerant to me, is not respecting others' point of view, beliefs, creeds, religions, thoughts, etc, and instead attacking them simply because you do not agree.

For example, most here are intolerant of Christianity.
The Southern states are intolerant of gay marriage.
Lots of Christians are intolerant of others' space.

And what bothers me the most is that intolerant people (face it, we're all intolerant of something) dont know both sides of the story before attacking, or they are simply generalizing.

Ehm, for what reason apart from not agreeing, as you wrote, would someone "attack" (verbally oppose I'd say) somone else's beliefs? If you mean attacking their person then I can agree but it's not like you need some great purpose to question someones opinions.

And do you by "respect" mean not voice your opinion against someone because that person might feel hurt or whatever? If so, that's a pretty crappy way of acting, people need to be less cock sure and that means questioning. If that's how you look at intolerance then more intolerance to the world I say.
Questioning is fine, but I hardly see questioning on UM regarding Christianity. The stuff I see if usually the variety of "lol Christianity sux stoopid fundies HAHA". There's hardly a question or even a want for intelligent debate anywhere in those bashing threads. And not to pick on NAD, but just look at his first post. That is the stuff I see 99% of the time. There's a difference between "questioning" and "bashing". One requires intelligence, the other does not.
Haha, fundies.


I think only my title is bashing, no? Also I've already explained its stupidity.
Yeah I know. I'm not opicking on you, just using your title as an example of 99% of the "religion" threads on UM. An intelligent thread on religion is a rare find on UM because it usually degenerates with some 14-year old "atheist" poser saying stupid shit which adds absolutely nothing to the discussion. Or you get some pseudo-intellectual calling all religious individauls "slaves" or "intellectually stunted" or some other term they stole from some moron.