Motion Sickness – Everyone’s A Sinner


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Motion Sickness – Everyone’s A Sinner
Self Released – Demo – 2003
By Russell Garwood


Motion Sickness are an interesting trio, whose unusual sound is well developed for such a young group. Tim Hanson (vocals, bass, guitars), Lee Du-Caine (drum programming, synths, bass, second guitar) and Marcus Hanson (backing vocals, extra ideas) play “electronic/metal hybrid music”, which is varied in its influences.

Nu-metal leanings are augmented by harsher sections, with death-style growls and extensive double bass, while the electronic elements also traverse relaxed and more extreme atmospheres. The laid back moments are at their most effective when morphing into crushing guitars, which tend to rely on bar chords, and strong rhythm, as most of the melody is conveyed through prominent synths. Drums are clearly programmed, but entirely fitting in the techno orientated sound, and the bass is powerful and prominent. Vocals use occasional rapping, frequent shouting and some growls, all making for a varied performance. The synths are a primary component, and vary greatly. What sound like Nintendo inspired melodies are great fun, jumpy tunes and time changes make for more complex music, and the slower sections are memorably mixed with the heavier elements on occasions.

While the abrupt transitions between style may put some off, I find such unpredictable changes one of Motion Sicknesses’ finest traits, and they help create an involving release. The two ever-changing songs on “Everyone’s A Sinner” show great promise, and I look forward to following this trio’s evolution.

Official Motion Sickness Site