Motivational Posters

Well at least there's no division by zero like with a lot of those pseudo-paradoxons...
you don't by chance know of some more advanced ones, do you? :D
Well at least there's no division by zero like with a lot of those pseudo-paradoxons...
you don't by chance know of some more advanced ones, do you? :D

EDIT: what the fucking doublepost fuck!
I'm not sure if leaving out a constant of integration or ignoring the existence of -1 are any better than division by zero...

There are many (that aren't arithmetic errors), like the Banach-Tarski paradox - assuming a particularly annoying axiom, the theorem gives a great way of completely confusing geometric ideas. One application is that one can decompose a sphere into a small number of slices and reassemble it into two spheres of the same size, which of course leads to the following joke:

"How many ways are there to rearrange the letters in Banach-Tarski?"
"Infinitely many - Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski..."

I'm not sure if leaving out a constant of integration or ignoring the existence of -1 are any better than division by zero...

There are many (that aren't arithmetic errors), like the Banach-Tarski paradox - assuming a particularly annoying axiom, the theorem gives a great way of completely confusing geometric ideas. One application is that one can decompose a sphere into a small number of slices and reassemble it into two spheres of the same size, which of course leads to the following joke:

"How many ways are there to rearrange the letters in Banach-Tarski?"
"Infinitely many - Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski..."


Wow ... thats quite a knee slapper there Jeff :lol:

Hold on, hold on .. my side hurts

math jokes
I'm not sure if leaving out a constant of integration or ignoring the existence of -1 are any better than division by zero...

There are many (that aren't arithmetic errors), like the Banach-Tarski paradox - assuming a particularly annoying axiom, the theorem gives a great way of completely confusing geometric ideas. One application is that one can decompose a sphere into a small number of slices and reassemble it into two spheres of the same size, which of course leads to the following joke:

"How many ways are there to rearrange the letters in Banach-Tarski?"
"Infinitely many - Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski, Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski..."


I like that one :lol:
Oh well, I'll stay with physics :D