Motley Crue Grst Hts DVD


I had a chance to sit down & check out some of the B-Day gifts from the old lady & the kids...
I have to recommend Crue's Grst Hts Dvd. The highlights(for me) is that this one features all the Corabi era videos, Hooligan's Holiday, Smoke the Sky & Misunderstood. To this day, I think that MC'94 IS bar none one of the best records out there that never got it's due. The other highlight is the track by track(or in this case video by video) commentary by Nikki Sixx & Tommy Lee. I can't tell you how great it is to see Sixx & Lee sitting togther & talking about the "good times" they had either recording the tracks & making these videos. While, this isn't anything new(aside from the interviews), this would be a great addition to any fan of hard rock's collection. I can't wait for these guys to get in the studio & crank out another record & do the final tour. Now if only Vince gets his shit together...
Man! Sounds awesome. Now I really want this dvd!!!!!!!!! I haven't bought it yet only because I have a "source" which I hope hooks me up but if not then I'll buy it. I'll give 'em another couple weeks.
SWINE, you have the same blessing/curse as me in having your bday right before Christmas. Mine's right after Christmas. ( I hit the big 3-0 January 2) Sometimes you get more gifts, but sometimes they combine Christmas and Birthday in one day...depending on the family's schedule. hahaha It's all good, though. So what else did you get? Anything METAL?
You are right there TVF. It could be a blessing, but it could also be a curse. For the New Year 2004, I will make myself a promise to make more concerts. I think with discovering all these bands(new to me) it has opened things up. Before, I would have to wait years for CRUE or ZZ Top, and yes even KISS to crank out a new record before I would be able to catch a show. The time is now. Hell, I might even take my 10 year old son to a few & expose him to the what "metal is."
loudsilence said:
Yes, it's a pretty cool DVD, I bought it last week. Lot's of stuff on the plate for these guys if everything goes as planned. A movie, possibly another tour...we shall see.
Yeah, that's true. I would just kill for a new record with Lee. Nothing like Generation I hope. Just a rock record.
Everyone says "farewell tour" I hope that it is & not a KISS thing where they find themselves on a farewell tour 6 years after the fact. I don't know about this movie thing, though. The book was enough.
I'm itching for the movie coz its the best book I've ever read. As long as they don't fuck it up. The main thing will be re-creating that early '80s Sunset Strip vibe that the book captures so well.