Motorbike Riders


Feb 4, 2002
Anyone here ride motorbikes? (i know Southy does). Well im gonna go for my motorbike learners soon and can't wait till i can actually go for my licence and ride a bike around the streets!!!!! wooo
Almost every time I see a motorbike rider in the city they pull some stupid stunt that could end up fatal. This is why those add campaigns telling drivers to 'put yourself in their shoes' etc are a load of crap IMO. Most of the time it is the bikers fault.

I have riden alot of farm bikes and dirt bikes in my time, but thats all. Had an accident when I was younger that ended up with a broken leg and dislocated knee caps, which wasn't too pleasant.
Onya Haup! I got my learners last year, and my licence a couple of months ago. Haven't got the money to buy a bike yet, but hope to next year. I had a bike when I was in Indonesia..... Riding's fun. :) You ridden at all before?

It goes both ways I think.....drivers don't always look out for bikes...and bikes are harder to see, but motorcyclists do some very silly things.
my bro bought a dirt bike a while ago and ive been riding that a fair bit and since then ive really gotten into bikes!
Some FUCKWIT!!! almost took my to my ultimate doom the othermorning on the way to work...I was about 30-40metre's from the COCKHEAD!!! when he fuckin pulled out of the side street, luckily I could just swerve...but fuck man, I was gonna sort this CUNT!!! out when I caught up with him, luucky for him really.

Also last week a FUCKING MORON!!! in a 4 tonne truck tried to park ON TOP of me...fucking wanker, I had to get off the bike and sort him out. I don't condone Road Rage kids...but some people deserve it, lets keep this space clear in case of any charges laid against me, ain't heard shit yet though...PRICK!!!!
i don't condone road rage kids

i do, i am the fucking king at Road Rage. I got up about 5 people on Friday night, bunch of fuckwits should learn to drive.
Like I say I dont condone it, but in some cases it is needed, or else the FUCKWIT might never have a second thought next time they go to stop near some other poor bastard on a motorbike