Motorhead new album review.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002

When you look for a Motorhead album you expect certain things, you take a certain sound for granted and trust me "Kiss Of Death" will not dissapoint you.
If you like me have been a fan of the band for a long time, and you like the metal raw, powerful, simple and straight between the eyes of Motorhead then this album will continue to amaze of how Lemmy and Co had managed to survived over 30 years on the same formula without being boring or stalled (IMO).

'Sucker': typical Motorhead song very much in the vein of their later material, a very good opener.

'One Night Stand': more classic sound in the vein of the "Overkill" material, very catchy tune.

'Devil I Know': have a great bass solo part reminescence of 'Stay Clean', another very much Motorhead tune in the vein of "We Are Motorhead" stuff.

'Trigger': nice song the kind that make me wanna dance, oh yes I do considr Motorhead a great dacing band.

'Under The Gun': a more blues influenced song in the style of 'You Better Run'.

'God Was Never On Your Side': to me this is the jewel of the album. A song part acoustic part heavy raw, very much on the sense of 'Lost In The Ozone' and 'One More Fucking Time' (two of my all-time faves). Shows that beyond pure heavy mayhem Motorhead is about melody, harmonies and sense. Kick ass tune and a future classic I'm sure about it.

'Living In The Past': reminds me of some material from "Hammered", mid-tempo but very heavy and crude.

'Christine': (no, not a Jorn cover :D) is another of those catchy songs from the band that make you tap your feet and shake your head to the melody. Sure is prefect for a party.

'Sword of Glory': have a vibe from 'I Am The Sword' but not as epic, still is about what Motorhead sound has lately been developed and doesn't fail on it.

'Be My Baby': despite the title is very heavy and rude punching you and making you headbang while fist in the air, surely a good one for concerts.

'Kingdom Of The Worm': reminds me a lot of 'Sacrifice' but the vocals are darker than usual in the vein of 'Orgasmatron'. A song to remind everyone you're NOT listening to Stryper.

'Going Down': closing the album with a fast melodic tune like saying we haven't lost energy after all these years.

I gave it more than "Hammered" but less than "Inferno" so around 8.5/10 and definitively a recommendation for 2006.

NP: Liege Lord - Warrior's Farewell
Very good review :) This is an excellent album! But then I wouldn't expect anything else from Motorhead
kittybeast said:
Wyvern; Got a new tennis shoe for you... when Pabla and I went out to the Rainbow last weekend there is a new board up advertising the new Vans MOTORHEAD skate shoe... I took a pic but no puter yet so here is the link...


I may have to do some shopping in Atlanta :lol: Thanks for the link Kit ;)
Been a long time since I listened to some Motorhead, got the advance copy and I like it , yeah, it's Motorhead damned ! 8.5 is a correct score for it Wyv...
carnut said:
Been a long time since I listened to some Motorhead, got the advance copy and I like it , yeah, it's Motorhead damned ! 8.5 is a correct score for it Wyv...

You didn't got "Inferno"? :OMG:
Wyvern said:
You didn't got "Inferno"? :OMG:

Yeah, Inferno rules, a must have. It's up their with the very best, elite Motorhead stuff. As good as Overkill, Ace of Spades, Orgasmatron, etc. in my book. Maybe even in the the top three.
Wyvern said:
You didn't got "Inferno"? :OMG:

well, I do have it, but I guess I wasn't in a Motorhead "mood" than.
Sometimes I think, need to listen to that or that band again , and than I start tracing and listening the backcatalog...I guess "Kiss of Death" dropped in at the rigfht time :rock:
carnut said:
well, I do have it, but I guess I wasn't in a Motorhead "mood" than.
Sometimes I think, need to listen to that or that band again , and than I start tracing and listening the backcatalog...I guess "Kiss of Death" dropped in at the rigfht time :rock:

Gert you have to reconsider your relationshiop with Motorhead :D First time I listen to them (many many years ago) I didn't like them although 'Stay Clean' (first song I knew) had something. Time later I got in love with the amazing 'Killed By Death' and eventually bought my first album "Rock'N'Roll". Since then has been a true love liasson upt to this day :notworthy

NP: Rick Wakeman - 'Men In Suits'
sixxswine said:
Fuck! That was the first Motohead record I bought too. I picked up both the LP and the cassette the same day...

You bought both formats at the same time? :goggly:

I bought on vinyl, then I got "Orgasmatron" used on vinyl too. Then I started with CDs and eventually made the whole collection including four live albums, two compilations (gifts), three VHS, 2 DVDs and one patch :D
Wyvern said:
You bought both formats at the same time? :goggly:

I bought on vinyl, then I got "Orgasmatron" used on vinyl too. Then I started with CDs and eventually made the whole collection including four live albums, two compilations (gifts), three VHS, 2 DVDs and one patch :D

Yeah, I got both formats the same day. I too bought Orgasmatron second!
I have a few discs to go to get the entire collection but I'm getting there.