Motu 2408 MKII & RME Octamic D


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Hi Guys,

Hopefully someone can help me here.
I've got problems with setting up my motu & rme octamic d.

The BNC goes from the 2408 Word OUT to the Digital card in the RME.
The ADAT goes from main in the RME to the IN into the 2408.

Now I keep getting this pops & cracks over my recording (also when it's not recording the pops and cracks stay).

I've got my MOTU configer to have the Clock source from the Internal PCI424 card. And my rme has got pin 2 to the bottom to configure it to EXTERNAL (Slave). Now I still keep getting these pops and cracks.

Anybody got any clue what I'm doing wrong?

Damn, unless somebody else can offer some ideas I think you'll have to hit up MOTU and/or RME for tech support :(

Well, to get this whole story straight. I think in the end it should have been my RME that fucked up. Because since 3 hours ago, it won't start up anymore!
All of this really just needed to happen in the middle of a recording session! THIS SUCKS!