MOTU 828 Audio Firewire Interface opinions?


May 25, 2009
Does anyone have this interface?


It's going locally for $125, I'll check it out tomorrow at the shop. Wondering if anyone here has/had experience with it.

I've used it some years ago ( at a friend's place) and well, I found it dark sounding ( as my 8pre is)

The drivers were ok, not sure if there are available drivers for lion or w7

The "gain in pairs" is because, if memory serves correctly, the only mic pres you have are inputs 1 and 2, the others being just line signals.
So they paired gains thinking you'd feed stereo sources to it.

Look for cracky pots, the master volume pot was the first to break on those interfaces ;)
thanks for the heads up! Would you think $125 is fair (given if it's in good condition)?

I have a profire 2626, and would love 2 more pres. Ofcourse, I can always save up and pick up some better sounding pres in the future. Just wondering if this deal is too good to be true, or not.