MOTU HD192 vs. SSL AlphaLink


New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2008
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe
It's time for an upgrade. Not really a converter quality upgrade per se, but i'm moving from humble 2 channels to 24 channels. I actually need that many for interfacing outboard and cue mixes.

So, both interfaces sport 24 channels at 96k. I can get the alphalink bundled with the SSL PCIe I/O card for 900€ less than the MOTU. If I buy just 12 channels to start out with and buy 12 afterwards, that's 400€ less than the SSL. Also, the MOTU is in stock, SSL isn't, so I have no idea how much more time is needed for it get to my place wrt to the MOTU.

I like MOTU metering more, but the MADI I/O used to connect the SSL gear is more standard and as time goes by, I might be able to replace either the converter box or the I/O card without fuss, maybe even from a different vendor. Also, the Alphalink is cheaper and while it's not really a big chunk of the price, it's at least a difference between next month and 2 months after. The MOTU goes to 192k, if I'd want to record at those rates. But customers dig that for some reason, to record at 192k and downsample using r8brain or something similar. I like the MOTU's I/O is rear XLRs instead of sub-d's. Also, MOTU can clock from AES, not only BNC in.

MOTU claims 0.00056% THD, SSL 0.005%. MOTU 120dB dynamic range and SSL 128dB.

So, this is far from autowin on either side, I think. You guys in this forum are usually more levelheaded and direct in your appraisal of gear quality (and usefulness!) than certain other forums I could name, so I've thought to ask on how you would rate sound quality and stability of this gear, especially regarding clocking, self-noise, clipping etc. Any horror stories will be appreciated too, if you have any.