MOTU UltraLite mk3 Hybrid VS. Focusrite Scarlett 18i6


Jun 16, 2011
Hi guys!

I'm going to buy a new audio interface and I end up wondering between these 2. They both have similar specs. I can buy the Scarlett brand new and the UltraLite second hand for the same price.

My laptop configuration is:
Dell Inspiron 5110, Windows 7 64bit, i7 Q2630, 8GB DDR-III 1333MHz.

My main arguments for both:

Scarlett 18i6
+has ADAT input (which I'm not going to need in the near future, but nice option to have)
+brand new, has 3 years warranty and 30 days money back guaranty

UltraLite mk-3
+has 8 extra outputs
+the brand is famous for its quality
-the concrete unit I'm going to buy has problems with s/pdif in/out (although I think I'm not going to need it)
-4 months old, no warranty
-heavily digitalized - harder to repair if gets broken

I think I like the UltraLite more, but it has no warranty and already has problems (s/pdif).
What's your opinion?
Don't buy something that already has problems if your not familiar with the unit. Hell even if you are familliar i would still avoid it unless it's an insane deal. Do you need it to be USB or can you go FireWire? I have heard mostly bad things about the Scarletts so if i were you i'd avoid both of those and just get a Saffire Pro 24. It's the same price with pretty much the same I/O and if its anything like the other Saffire Pros, it'll be solid interface for anything you throw at it.
The new UltraLite is a killer audio interface but i wouldn't buy it if it's already damaged. Also I'm not a real fan of Motu drivers for windows. Btw, I have a Motu myself at the moment and I find it great.
Yeah I need it to be USB.

What's your model? Do you have problems with the drivers?

I know the seller of the MOTU and he says he has absolutely no other problems with the unit. If the only problem is with the s/pdif it's not going to be a big issue for me, as I said I'm not big fan of the digital input/outputs and I'm sure I won't need it.
I'm wondering if the model is reliable and if it's a big problem that it has no warranty.
I have a Motu Traveler. I work on a mac and it's great, but had some problems on a friend's pc, got it to work after something like 45min/1 hour. But then everything worked fine, also the following times.