Mouth of the Architecth . . . . . . . . WHERE THE FUCK HAVE I BEEN?!?

matt99_crew said:
Well hey, even a guru like you can't be right all the time JK :loco:
I know fans of Isis won't necessarily all love this, but it's not that far off, genre-wise. I like the Momentary Lapse of Reason-style clean vocals.

Cult of Luna is old news, but I don't remember seeing them discussed here very often. Fans?

Cult of Luna had a spot in my top5 2004 , and if not they now have with Mabool , Sunwar The Dead , Autumn Aurora and Panopticon of course.. (and maybe Mar de Grises)
I would pretty much agree with that, though they do offer some brief highlights, but they simply have no identity of their own.
matt99_crew said:
Well hey, even a guru like you can't be right all the time JK :loco:
I know fans of Isis won't necessarily all love this, but it's not that far off, genre-wise. I like the Momentary Lapse of Reason-style clean vocals.

Cult of Luna is old news, but I don't remember seeing them discussed here very often. Fans?

We live close to one another. :tickled: