He's a singer-songwriter. He's quite sardonic, but the guy really found it easy to be direct, but never blunt or blatant. Some of his songs just have such a beautiful melancholy edge while some others are just great rock songs that seem very one-dimensional - crude, even, but underneath the layers there was a raw honesty. (Much like Bonny 'Prince' Billy conveys, these days).
The guy loved his life and he tragically died in 2003, I believe he was in his 40s. He wrote and recorded
The Wind from his deathbed and it's one of the most touching records I've ever heard. For me, Warren could play the heart shaped harp better than anyone who ever lived.
His back catalogue is an honest chronology of the guys life, it had highs, it had lows and he always knew how to express it, honestly and sometimes hidden in metaphor.
Just before he died (he knew he was dying) he made an appearance on Letterman and when ol' David asked him what were his final words, what he wanted to convey to everyone about life he simply replied
"Enjoy every sandwich" and never said another word. I revel in the poetry of something so simple every damn day.
I'll stop being gay now