Moves Like Jagger Metal Remix!

The song is petty decent to begin with - I will never understand the increasing trend of doing metal covers of pop songs. All it takes is the same synths, growled lyrics, some throw-away riffs and breakdowns, and extra double bass. It's never a good song or a better version of the original.
It's never a good song or a better version of the original.

I disagree. Before i say anything, It's all about musical taste. I do side with you about the cover not being better than the original. MOST of the time it's like that. But there are bands who cover songs and make it THEIR song.many bands/solo artists know how to pull it off, and I think you have to some skill to be able to take someone else's work and work off that to try to create something good without straight up copying the original.
well this is definitely not me trying to create something "better" than the original. This is a bit of fun...I'd hardly say it falls into any trend and if it does, it doesn't bother me. I love remixing songs. This is a remix. I'm not posting this to say, "This is how it should have been done. Or...Wow, if only Maroon 5 were as good musicians as I am and knew how to write metal!" That's just stupid. My version is hardly going to appeal to the masses is it.
well this is definitely not me trying to create something "better" than the original. This is a bit of fun...I'd hardly say it falls into any trend and if it does, it doesn't bother me. I love remixing songs. This is a remix. I'm not posting this to say, "This is how it should have been done. Or...Wow, if only Maroon 5 were as good musicians as I am and knew how to write metal!" That's just stupid. My version is hardly going to appeal to the masses is it.

+1 :)
I often enjoy covers... I like to hear a metal version of something... in a lot of cases, its the humour involved (Graveworm - Losing my religion)

There are times I will appreciate a cover more than the original...
How are you guys interpreting my statement to mean that I never prefer covers to the original? I'm saying that with metal covering pop songs, the song is never going to be better because it's just a watered down, slightly 'teenage goth'-ed up version of the original.

Song doesn't fall into a trend? What are the Punk Goes... CD's then, and why do they have so many releases?
About trends...again, it doesn't bother me, I just wanted to get some tips on the production/mix but somehow this has turned into a debate on covering pop songs.

"What are the Punk Goes... CD's then" - I have no idea, I've never heard of them. As for watered down version...I would probably describe the metal version as more complex rather than watered down, but again, just want some tips on the mix really.

Perhaps if I list some of the equipment. For this I used a Pod XT Pro and Steven Slate drums with Logic. On the guitars I stuck a pickup emulator VST on as a joke and somehow tweaked it to sound better than the original tone I had so left it on there. I stuck a multipressor on the mastering chain with similar settings to the Sneap C4 settings. Think it sounded pretty cool considering the budget/primitive equipment.