

May 22, 2003
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So I'll be flying home the night before thanksgiving, and knowing the Philly Airport, I'll be there for at least 6 hours before even getting on a plane. So I'm stocking my laptop with movies, so far I'm gonna have

Dark Knight
Blade Runner
Tropic Thunder

Recommend some more, especially from the last couple years.
Blade Runner sucked dick, Pineapple express wasn't very good. The Machinist is fucking crazy and awesome, Grandma's Boy is an awesome movie even if you aren't a stoner, but i can't think of any recent movies that i really liked, they were mostly just ok.
edit: i watched a ton of sick movies at my brothers house and even though you've probably seen a lot of them since basically everyone has if you haven't seen any you need to asap
The Shawshank Redemption
Revenge Of The Nerds
Escape From New York
Hard Boiled (probably wouldn't be so cool on a laptop)
Twelve Monkies (not amazing, pretty cool though)
The Usual Suspects
So I'll be flying home the night before thanksgiving, and knowing the Philly Airport, I'll be there for at least 6 hours before even getting on a plane. So I'm stocking my laptop with movies, so far I'm gonna have

Dark Knight
Blade Runner
Tropic Thunder

Recommend some more, especially from the last couple years.

Not recent but fucking epic:

True Romance
Pulp Fiction
The Professional
The Devil's Rejects
Reservoir Dogs
From Dusk Till Dawn
Carlito's Way
Donnie Brasco
Falling Down

All of these movies fucking own. ALL OF THEM!

Also, get this movie:

It's fucking EPIC as well! One of the best movies I've seen all year.
How about some epic movies, war movies, etc. Beyond the obvious (Braveheart, Saving Ryan's Privates, yadayadayada)

We Were Soldiers is a good war movie, so is the Patriot, both are Mel Gibson flicks. There's Enemy at the Gates, another good war movie, tbh there's too many to list.

EDIT: Gangs of New York is a good one as well.

I always forget about, Falling down. I love that damn movie. <3

:kickass: My list is bulletproof, all of those movies are fucking INCREDIBLE!
We Were Soldiers is a good war movie, so is the Patriot, both are Mel Gibson flicks. There's Enemy at the Gates, another good war movie, tbh there's too many to list.

Yeah Patriot is a classic, and EatG is great, too. If only for whatsherfaces bum. Haven't seen We Were Soldiers, I shall investigate.
Full Metal jacket was great! The classic highlight of the movie was the jelly doughnut foot locker search. :lol: Oh, and the finger banging of Mary Jane rotten crotch, and her purrdy pink panties. LOL!
No. The first one maybe, after that, fuck no. Go for Crank if you need mindless Statham action. For refined Statham go for The Bank Job. For epic Statham, go for Snatch or Mean Machine. Mean Machine is an awesome movie.