Moving from homestudio to semi-pro studio w/mixing/recording room

I think you made it clear that you cant afford 8 stellar preamps, but you will be fine with 4.

I haven't heard anything but good about the DAKING preamps, and they are cheaper then the API. And you'll be fine with 16 channels??? atleast i'll get bye easily with my 16. I got a Crane song spider + Octopre Le for extra inputs.

The spider really made my Oktava mic's sound high end for sure, so the preamps definitely can make a great impact on your microphones.
But it is more important to get good microphones in the beginning and some OK pre's. Cause the chain goes líke this:
room--->microphones--->preamps--->A/D. And thats how you should priorities.

Good luck
Good luck

Sound source(player)--->room--->microphones--->preamps--->A/D.

Haha, sry, couldn't hold that one back, it's too obviously^^

Acappa, before you put out that money, be shure that you don't forget little but important things like for example patch cables. I've made the mistake by myself, whole money spent in nice stuff and forgot the cable stuff...
Thomann sssssssnake time:ill:

Do you have drums in our mind, for example a cool Snare?!

Just wanna help:rock:
For 500 serie preamp buy 2 API 512C and 2 Avendis MA5
With this you have 2 stereo pre that cover major pre color (API and Neve).
And if you don't like one pair you still can sell this because 512C/MA5 are most popular 500 serie pre;)

For AD/DA go with an ADI8 for moment.

Like AboutBlank said, don't forget patchbay and cable. Soldering isn't complex and you can save some buck at same time.

Btw some cool info on this old thread:Saint:
Alright well... here is what I would do assuming 7000 EUR for gear and say you have another 1000-2000 EUR for cables, patchbays, room treatment, etc.

I don't know EUR prices, but I assume that the conversion is comparable. So 7000 EUR is $9500US, just shy of $10K.

One hell of budget... I am pretty handy with a soldering iron... so....but considering the gear you have and what I have used an like.

$2k on monitors. I like Dynaudio.. but adams, Focals and Genelec's are in this range.

Seventh Circle Audio pres: 4 API's, 2N72's, 2 J99's... $3k.

Pair Oktava Mk012's modded: $700 + SM7 = $1k

Mojave MA200 1k
Avantone CV12 and two Cascade fatheads: $1k
AKG 414: $1k

Then with the extra 1K.. a 421, audix D6 or full AKG drum mike kit, yeah.. should be covered.

Man.. cash goes quick haha