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Dec 3, 2005
First off i would like to say i love Bodoms music and Alexi is a genious. However i would like to know why neither Mozart or Bach are credited in 'something wild'. They obviously take music from both composers but no credit is given to either of them.
They were so honoured they didn't want the credit due to Alexi using their work so phenomenaly good and integrating it in his own masterpieces.
Thats ridiculous. Alexi is good but he's not a God. He does not even compare to the likes of Mozart. I think if he truely liked these composers he wouldn't hesistate to credit them.
Who would be helped or flattered? It would just be pretentious saying "oooh, i've listened to classical composers and put some of their stuff in my work" Thereby, they have been dead for quite a while too, i don't think copyrights were invented then.

Btw, I was being sarcastic, i thought you'd figure by the first four words.
i noticed the sarcasm. I was looking for someone who would give me a more serious reply. Copyright has nothing to do with it.
dude jesus christ i said i liked their music. Ive seen them 3 times. How is this a gay thread? becuase nobody has an answer to my question?
does yngwie give credit to composers for all the music he's written with influence from other composers? how bout paul gilbert, who in the song YRO uses part of paganini's moto perpetuo?
Alexi uses exact pieces from Mozart and Bach in half of the songs in something wild.
Those guys are dead for so long that everyone can use any of their stuff without any consequences.
you're missing the point. Of course they can do it without getting sued. But why not credit them? It appears they love their music so much. I mean the beginning quote of warheart is even form the movie Amadeus. I just think they would have credited them if it influenced Alexi so much.
Dude it would be retarded dont you get it, god whe are giving it on a fucking spoon and your still not getting it.

Why not thank mother fucking jesus and his pops while their at it hey?
god is ofcourse the creators of bach and mofart so why not credit him ?

enough spooning get a job !
I belive that Bach, Beetoven, Motzart, and other classical composers have no copyright on their music. It is all available for the public to use because it is so old and was never copyrighted in the first place. However, if one were to record one of Motzart's symphonies and release that, then that would be copyrighted and protected. If one would just take the melodies and arragements from the composers then that is perfectly legal.
Mozart will get up from his grave and meet Alexi and kill him with a big scythe because he used his melodies without a permission.
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