MP3 vs CD

Actually I use mp3 to listen to CDs before they are released. If a CD is good I always but it, however, if it's just "good" stuff I also burn them, as I cannot spend that much money. I would not consider this as the so-called "copy kills music" as I usually would not buy these CDs then anyway...
Furthermore I burn the CDs that I cannot get anywhere. Unfortunately I do not support the band then but if their distribution sucks it is a difficult situtation then...
I burn CDs that are not good enough to buy, but still good enough so that I want to have them in my collection.
Then I burn samplers of songs by bands that I generally don't like (I have a new metal sampler here ;)).
aside from that if I really happen to like a band I buy the CD.

Dark At Dawn are a good example where I had both CDs burned from MP3, then noticed that was listening to that stuff all the time and bought the CDs at Wacken.

Furthermore I try to buy more stuff from unknown bands than from bigger bands, figuring that they need the support more, and I only have that much money.

finally rare stuff is another important point regarding MP3s, stuff like Odyssey I would never heard heard if not for Audiogalaxy.
I love vinyls, so I agree with those who mentions that...
As for mp3 and cds I -of course- prefer cds cause you have their cd-cases which includes booklets with lyrics, photos, infos..... and I also want to have the original releases from the bands I like!
I prefer the digital sound from CD , I hate to MP3!!!!!!
The cd sound ever is better than mp3 sound....
The mp3 are well when you can't buy the CD or is a new band and you want to know about they.
ow well, MP3's at 192 kbs have almost perfect quality. Burned CD's don't have the attraction an original CD has, with the perfect color cover, the booklet, and the taught you supported the band (mainly the recordcompany but still...) but ofcourse you can't buy every good album.