MP3's of Henrik & Jonas side project


This is total different from Evergrey
But it's really kickass!
It really has some Pantera in it, totally great

thanks for the samples!
It sounds more Chuck Schuldiner's Death-influenced hardcore than anything. It's all right, but nothing to have an orgasm over (then again, I'm not a hardcore fan at all). Sorry Henrik, Jonas! I'll stick with Evil Dead.

Hmm. Nothing Less Than God is actually pretty good. Musically. I'm not a fan of the vox. :S
First of all thanks for the link! But regarding the music itself...well it's not really my cup of tea to be honest. I have a hard time standing growling vocals and the music itself didn't interest me that much either (not that it's easy to judge after such short clips though)
Good friends of mine listen to this sort of music a lot
they really like it very much!
that means DeathDestruction is good sounding
dargormudshark said:
Death Metal ain't my thing, Melodic death metal is more to my liking, same goes for Melodic Black Metal, I love that stuff but I hat hat the the true balck metal (Mayhem, Gorgoroth).

Whatdya know! I hat hat the the true balck metal too!

Tasteless. Sorry mud, just a bit of teasing. I'm a big fan of Burzum, Immortal, etc. Not so much Mayhem or Gorgoroth though.
Heard it yesterday and I was extremely pleased with what I heared.. Allthough death metal is my preferred genre overall I find lots of DM-bands have the tendency to not be able to keep me interested throughout an album.. What I lekd here was the good build-up and structure of the songs and I loved the pounding parts..
I indoctrinated so many people into liking Evergrey.. Seems like I have a new job to do now.. :p