^Or you could've just said "Sorry, I'm a frustrated , 1-dimentional human being, and I hate COB." Everyone's just talking about themselves when loathing on another person. Wise people are aware of this, that's why it's best to let matters argue as long as possible. Hate is to be used wisely. And it makes no sense you're here with your anti-COB opinions.
The fucking irony. Holy fucking hell. Being called 1-dimensional by you of all people. Day = made
(albeit mine is usually the best *cough*).
*sigh* "My opinion is the best opinion because it's mine"
Think about that for a moment or 20.
I hope someday that you can manage to emerge from your childish mentality and realize how pretentious and ignorant you make yourself sound with statements like this. You are literally the epitome of what a stereotypical metal head is; the kind that makes the rest of us look bad. You call me 1-dimensional but you like maybe 3 bands, if that. It's hilarious that you can't grasp why people are calling you a poser. It's the fact that you're trying so hard to live up to your own persona that you've convinced yourself is damned near godlike (your tastes are better than everyone elses, etc) when in reality it's pretty close to that of a kid arguing with other kids his age (this super hero is the best because he's my favorite and the reasons are he's the toughest, and coolest). You have a hard time realizing that your opinion is nothing more than that. You try to argue your tastes as fact and superior, which is pretty funny since music is all about personal preference. It would be hilarious if it was something that you'd eventually grow out of, but you won't, and you haven't, and that's why no one here can stand you.
Not one person.
Not one human being
alive looks forward to signing on here and reading your regurgitated, monotonous
opinions, but for some damned reason you feel compelled to inform all of us anyways, regardless of how evident we make it to you that we simply
do not fucking care. Some people here are more easy on you than me, such as Arcane and a few others. Props to them. They're good guys I guess, but that doesn't change the fact that we don't want to hear your Bodom fanfiction every fucking time we sign onto this site.
I'm not sure what everyone else comes here for, but I pop in to see if any of the old musicians that used to frequent this place are doing anything, what new covers may have been put up by users, or what kind of gear talk is going on. I would imagine it's about the same for them though. Maybe even some casual conversation. Whatever it is, I can promise you that your posts are the last thing that anyone cares to see throughout their day. I understand that you love Bodom.
That's good.
The thing you fail to realize is though, none of us are up for having the same one-sided conversations with you about trivial shit and atmosphere, again and again, every single time that you post. I wish there was a nicer way to say these things to you to where you might understand them, but I'm sure you've noticed that all of us have tried this once or twice, or even more than that. You don't seem to get it. Go back to doing whatever it is that you were doing when you weren't posting, only keep doing it for the rest of your life until you've experienced enough things to come back here and maybe hold a conversation like a normal person and not an immature little shit with an inferiority complex, about things that aren't atmospheric and your sure-fire ideas as to what the next Bodom album needs to have on it.