mr v, what's this?


Feb 25, 2002
i found this cd: vintersorg - dimmans följrslagare, on a site, do you know what it is, or is it simply a bootleg?

and these two:

ödemarkens son, us import 2 extra tracks
till fjälls, us import 3 extra tracks

do you know which the extra songs are?

Originally posted by spaffe
i found this cd: vintersorg - dimmans följrslagare, on a site, do you know what it is, or is it simply a bootleg?
my first guess is that someone skrewed up the title for the Ödemarkens Son album there.
"Dimmans följeslagare" is something that's printed underneath the Cd in the Jewel case for "Ödemarkens Son" and the other thing with extra tracks are.....the Mcd splited up in two parts, so two tracks on one and three on the other..........

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
"Dimmans följeslagare" is something that's printed underneath the Cd in the Jewel case for "Ödemarkens Son" and the other thing with extra tracks are.....the Mcd splited up in two parts, so two tracks on one and three on the other..........

mr V

ok *looks at his ödemarkens son cd* yes it written there, but you don't know what a cd called that could be? :confused:
AS I said it's "ödemarkens son", some misinformed person read it and instantly thought that "Dimmans följeslagare" was the title as it's written at the side of the CD, so you see that as soon as you look at the CD, like "Norrland" is written on the Mcd.

mr V
Same case as "Älvefärd" with "Nu är det långt till solvita nätter" written on the side. These things actually looks quite nice...
I remember that I thought "Ödemarkens Son" originally was called "Dimmans Följeslagare" when I picked it up...