MS-DOS help please


New Metal Member
i need to know how to use MS-DOS to find out passwords of users on the computer, to change passwords, to get administrator status, and anything else you coders think would be useful.

sure, im a " n00bxors! " but i dont care. i just want to fuck up my school system and install some shit there.


the possibilies of VB go way beyond DOS because you can edit the registry that way.

in what way do you want to fuck up the school system? Crash it, become admin, delete all the users, delete all shared maps?
Unfortunately , you can't really use DOS to do such things.

Because you'll still need the passwards, admin accounts and so forth in order to use and change them.

DOS functions on the same level as windows and so forth, as a Operating System.

You want a hacking tool for what you are after and, unfortunately, I cannot recommend one to you.
i need to know how to use MS-DOS to find out passwords of users on the computer, to change passwords, to get administrator status, and anything else you coders think would be useful.

sure, im a " n00bxors! " but i dont care. i just want to fuck up my school system and install some shit there.


Umm.... MS-DOS does not support admin and user accounts or groups...

Either you have access to the command prompt, or you're locked out by a 3rd party application or BIOS password.

As for accessing Windows 3.x and Win95 settings, that's completely different. There are applications to hack passwords, but good luck finding them. :p
format c:
a normal script can block cmd as well and then bios password doesn't affect anything on the OS, it's simply to protect the BIOS, nothing more

The bios password can keep you from actually booting the system. All you need to do is reset the bios by powering on with the correct jumper engaged.

A script? Umm... just press F5 while DOS is loading. Autoexec.bat and config.sys are bypassed = script bypassed. Problem sovled.

Although if you have a 3rd party command interpreter, there might be additional security. I was a hardcore 4DOS user, but don't remember if it offered any password protection from actually booting up or using the command line.

I grew up as a DOS poweruser. You're not going to keep me out of a DOS based system. :p

Oh, I see that this discussion is about networking... depends on what kind of network. If you can gain access to the actual server, you might be able to mess with stuff severely... There are a bunch of wannabe hacker apps that can do a lot of different things depending..., though it's up to you to find them, figure out how to work them, and hope you haven't installed a trojan. :lol:
^flashing your bios (happens when you reset the jumper) will also cause the bios password to be reset so that's not an option

VB-script has nothing to do with Autoexec or config.sys. It's purely directed at the windows environment but I didn't know that you could bypass them, thanx, will try that out :p

Every OS is almost Unix and Dos = Unix
Personally, I'd try some VBscript attacks first... if you can't find an outright overflow in a command running as administrator.

the possibilies of VB go way beyond DOS because you can edit the registry that way.

By referring to the registry you're most likely impliying it's a system running Windows. You can edit the registry from DOS by raw access of the hives in %systemroot/system32/config. It obviously goes way beyond the scope of the thread's almighty n00b proprietor but no more so than suggesting they write anything in VB.

It's also worth noting for the record that DOS is an operating system while Visual Basic is a very high level programming language. It's likes saying Bunnings Warehouse > dark chocolate Tim Tams. As a result of being a high-level language built upon the Win32 API, it is also subject to the same limitations and restrictions the Win32 API imposes in general. If Windows imposes particular restrictions such as the registry branches containing user credentials being inaccessible to any users other than SYSTEM, VB has no choice but to enforce those restrictions by design.

Unfortunately , you can't really use DOS to do such things.
Because you'll still need the passwards, admin accounts and so forth in order to use and change them.

You actually don't. Referring to the passage above, if you gain access to the registry hives (eg boot disc, recovery console) you can edit the SYSTEM hive to change passwords. You can't RECOVER passwords this way (as they are only stored as a hash, not a literal value) but you can substitute the hash in the file for the hash of your desired password and voila.