Mtv 2 Extreme Rock Showed Arch Enemy...


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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How come only "EXTREME ROCK" or METAL videos are shown only late at night? I was watching MTV 2 and at 1:30 a.m. they had a show called "extreme rock". I saw Arch Enemy's "Ravenous" video and couldn't believe it. They also showed Slipknot and the Slipknot side projects Stone Sour and Murderdolls (who look like early Motley Crue and sound like early Marilyn Manson). With any luck, maybe a NEVERMORE video will be shown. MORE METAL VIDEOS ARE NEEDED ON TV.
That show rocks!! I've been trying to catch it ever since I discovered it. I, too, saw the Arch Enemy video(she's better than I expected). I've also seen Hatebreed, Stone Sour, Iron Maiden, and Mushroom Head. Let's keep our fingers crossed for a Nevermore video.
But Nevermore's singer doesn't have a set of tits.

I'm becoming more and more convinced every day that Angela is just a media tool to gain exposure to the band. I mean, give me a break... her vocals aren't anything special.
haha if you think Arch enemy, SoilWork and Slipknot are extreem metal... your sadly mistaken.... i guess youv bought into your own circle of stupidity... trying so hard to find bands that are underground you forgot to realize there on mtv... just how underground do u think they are... hummm...

----Remember to think before you speak... it helps us all-
To the last poster: Who gives a fuck what is underground and what is not? I care about the music, I don't care if they have 5 fans or 500,000 fans. I hate ignorant pieces of shit like you. Here is your personality summed up: You care less if the music you listen to is good or not; You are always out to impress people(who never are impressed btw) by trying to prove how "Underground" you are. So why don't you go back to your room, and listen to bands noone has ever heard of to impress your imaginary friends. And slipknot does suck, we already knew that. Now go learn guitar and try to play me a few Arch Enemy and Soilwork solos. Then come back and tell me how bad they suck.
try reading what i posted...

notice the remarks were posted mainly towards SoilWork and Slipknot, crapy bands who cant play there guitars... soilwork solos, dont make me laugh... stack it up to a sloshnick solo, or a chuck (from death) solo...

Arch Enemy is an average band... which i dont take issue with.

And the fact that you think i only like "underground" bands that was your own skewed persecption...

I was simply commenting on how somone refered to thoughs bands as

i really wish people would read and think before they react with blind rage...
i've lately thought about it, IWould it be nice to see metal videos or metal music on regular day shows on radio or TV?
and then i told to myself that it would be wierd "because metal should be played late at night"and all that bla bla.
true, that the metal music has always been "ünderground" and not mainstream, and it would be totaly bizzare to see Revanous by ArchEnemy followed by Britney Spears..
i do think it should get more air-time, and i do think radio/tv or whatever, should do more metal shows and broadcast more live gigs on TV and not only at 2am.
take Finland for example, ever been there?
great country!
they play metal on regular radio shows, and you have more metal bands in the charts than pop music. its great!!
as long as you love and enjoy the music- who gives a shit if its underground or not????
im not trying to impress anyone, just to enjoy the tunes i love.
and i guess we all got so used to the fact that: metal has to be late at night and underground, that we just cant eccept other thing.
oh well.... :)
Through out life you will encounter people who are willing to give you a small peice of something u want...
only after you do what they want... for along time... and often you get ripped off.... (yes iv had girl's like this... dont ask)

the point is MTV is a bitch... they simply exploit everything they can...

so yes you can find one or to videos on mabby late at night that are actuly something you want to watch....

but its just not worth it... isnt it about time there was a metal tv station that only played metal videos....

and im sick of everyone gawking at "ooo its metal we cant play that" ... so excuse me if i dont like my Music Light And Fluffy, or cute and cuddly...

(ill just let my chicks do the cute thing not my music :p )

... just my two cents on mtv and how communist it is.