Multi Band comp on a kick?


more metal, more booze!!!
Hey guys, anyone do this?

ive never ever done it before, but im working with some new material for a band and have just whacked some multiband comp on the low and top end, but ive tweaked the 'deeper' preset.

its sounding alot more in control. The music is heavy rock, so no fast stuff, just wondering how many of you lot put some multi band comp on the low/top end of your kicks?
never reallly done it, but can see the merit in just comping the top end.
Although i use a side chain filter on my comp to acheive essesntially the same thing.
Used to, haven't tried it in a while. I used to use transX boosting the highs and lows and then c4 clamping down on them immediately after. It gave a great attack while keeping some natural sounding midrange.
I really like it for controlling large bands in the low end, specifically 100-300 in the Slate kicks; I find it easier to set up than eq'ing, having to futz with the bell curves to encompass such a large range and whatnot
well the aim is a massive low end, ive comped both the highs and lows, and all of a sudden the lows are there but aren't raping me on the Master buss processing! gnna work at it some more as i whack the multiband on for the heavier parts of the sing and turn it off for the softer feels.

need to use multiband comp more i think on individual elements, only really use it on the guitar buss and occasionally on bass, again to tame the energy in the low end but keep that warmth and depth!