Using Aux Inputs vs. Multiband Comp Plugin


Apr 25, 2012
Boston, MA
i have been using the "fake" multiband comp method in PT for a while now (send to an aux input, HP/LP to desired freq, and slap a comp on there) and am just wondering if there is any benefit to getting an actual multiband comp plugin like waves c6. i mostly use it it to tighten up the low mids on guitars but i have been gradually using it more and more. any thoughts on whether waves c6 or similar is worth the $$?
what is the difference exactly? the tutorial i learned this from way back when represented this as basically performing the same function.
I think you are parallel compressing a certain frequency range. Although you can achieve "MB Compression" with routing I think a MB Compressor will do the job better. Don't quote me on this but I believe a great MB Compressor will have less phase problems at crossover points.
I think C4 is worth the price and very easy to use. I actually put it on many tracks.
what is the difference exactly? the tutorial i learned this from way back when represented this as basically performing the same function.

If you are still using the original track along side the aux channel containing your compressor, then you're using parallel compression (albeit with a limited frequency bandwidth on the compressor channel), which is indeed very different than multiband compression. If you are muting the original track and only using aux channels (each channel confined to a different frequency range and having a compressor) then you effectively have a multiband compressor. The exact method used to separate the frequencies may be a little different than a true multiband compressor, but the concept is the same.

As others have said, if it's something you use often, you'll probably be better off going with a real multiband compressor. It will be easier to use, and having all those steep HP/LP filters in important frequency ranges can definitely cause some issues.

Keep in mind that any multiband compressor (from DIY routing to Waves) can wreak havoc on mix balances if over-used or used improperly. I don't feel like I'm experienced enough in that regard, so I usually just avoid them and go with full-band compression or EQ if possible. No doubt they are handy as hell in the right hands though.
The C6 is on sale now, the C4 was also on sale last month. Planning on buying the C6. Glad I didn't buy the C4, haha. As I have understood it, the C6 IS an upgraded version of the C4, and there is no real advantage of the C4 against the C6? Amirite?