multi-tracking into an iPad/phone...


Oct 30, 2008
i'll try to keep it simple:

i need a USB interface that can track 4 different inputs to an iPad/iPhone.

after researching a bit i came up with the RME FireFace UCX

which is iPad compatible but is freakin' expansive!
what i'm looking for should be as cheap and simple as possible.

i was thinking about Scarlett 8i6 as an option but apparently it missing some component that makes it iPad compatible.
i have a feeling it should work somehow, since it is USB and that component is probably not THAT hard to make (maybe an adapter of some sort?)

so 2 questions:
1. does anyone know of an interface that suits my description?

2. does anyone know it there's any adapter of some sort that will make an interface such as the Focusrite work? or some other method?

--- DISCALIMER: sound quality is IRRELEVANT at this point. i only need the iPad to be able to process 4 different signals. that's it. pre-amp or AD/DT quality does not matter atm so please don't bitch about sound quality as it does not matter. ---

thanks in advance for any ideas and enlightenments!
i hate being a dick, but i can honestly not share that information. :/

still that subject holds great value for me and i cannot find any explanation as to why an iPad can receive media from the expansive RME but not from the Focusrite (both being USB interfaces), and if there's any way around that?