Music And Emotions

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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A recent conversation I had with our very own JonnyD, via AIM(my MSN, AIM and Yahoo screen names are in my profile, feel free to add me) inspired me to make this thread. We all feel certain emotions, we're human, we can't help it. Are there any albums you break out when you feel a certain emotion? One that soothes you, fits with the emotion at hand or blocks it out, whatever you want it to do?

Like right now, i'm listening to Def Leppard-Hysteria. To me, it is the musical incarnation of all those feelings you felt as a teenager when you see the girl you like. This album is the one I break out when i'm in a good mood, or those particular feelings set in. Anger is an easy one. Any album with umph, speed and with melody at the same time. Power metal and Euro speed metal helps alot here. And as for any emotion that I don't wanna feel, i drown it out with any album that fits under the "extreme metal" umbrella.

Of course, i don't listen to this stuff ONLY when these emotions set in, i'll listen to what i want ,when i want ,these are just the albums i am more likely to pull out when under the spell of these particular emotions.

So, please...share your connection with music and emotion with me. I'm quite curious.
Well, music and certain emotion are allways connected I think, both ways around...some songs remind me of good times I had when being a teenager (I remember 3 of us friends headbanging when playing the just released Kill'm All ),other bring shear hate above (don't play "don't let it end" from Rising force and expect me to be a happy guy ). Others like Queensryche's QOTR or looking at ZZ Top's "gimme" videoclip just give me goose bumps...
Other way around certainly the same, when I feel bad, don't expect me to play "happy" metal, but just some raw hate spitting Slayer stuff !!!
Wicked Child said:
We all feel certain emotions, we're human, we can't help it.
Speak for yourself. I'm a mad cow :loco:

Like right now, i'm listening to Def Leppard-Hysteria.
That one exited as vinyl, never made it into CD (related to another tread).
Does music bring emotions?, does emotive states "call" for a certain music? Undoubtely.

But I seldom look for an album when I'm on a certain state. I did that a lot after a desastrous love relantioship (the one that sent me into exile:hypno: ). And I heard sad music a lot because I needed to cry. Nowdays the same songs make me smile luckily.
Sometimes I like some vigorous music when I going on a killing rampage (Doom, Quake, Blood, Duke Nukem etc :p ) Although I have been playing those with jazz fusion (is that normal :confused: ).

The best for me is when by chance (and this what I love best) I'm hearing a song which part of the lyrics reflect a situation I'm pasing right there, and the coincidence always makes me smile and I took it a s a good omen.

Yesterday as I was levaing my campus for the last time after all this years I was hearing Shaman live and in a part the lyrics were talking about leaving the past behind, how appropiate! Those are the cases I like, the music just reinforce the situation and carry me on.
:WInter clears her throat, and you know a long speech is coming... she lives for this.:

Anathema captures that feeling of loss you have at the lowest moment of your life... when you are as depressed as you ever will be, thats the moment they immortalize.

Savatage and Blind Guardian make me feel the same way that reading Tolkien does, washed clean. As if all the rage, dysfunction and pain of my life is leaving me. They make me feel free.

Tad Morose capture the feeling of being trapped very well... when I feel like life has cornered me and I am afraid I will never move forward again, their music comforts me. If music were the veins of one of their albums, desperation and rage would be the blood coursing through those recordings.

Queensryche capture that agonized/triumphant moment when you finally understand something. This something has been hurting you for years but now that you know WHY, you feel you can go on more easily then before.

Memory Garden captures that moment of rage right before depression seeps in and paralyzes you. You feel your anger rise and yet strangely soothed. Very good music!
Great examples Winter, I feel the same about these bands :Spin:
70s Metal-Hard Rock also brings a lot of emotion, stuff like Uriah Heep or Blue Oyster Cult.

Fates Warning (Alder-era) is another band whose music makes me... mm... not depressed, no, they're not Anathema... let's say relaxed, with a bit of sadness, I don't know how to describe it. Listen to "A Pleasant Shade of Grey" and you got the picture.

Still my favorite emotions are those brought by Epic Metal bands like Warlord or Virgin Steele, or some progressive bands like Psychotic Waltz or Ayreon... their songs give you the chills without being depressive or anything, it's just magic. Metal magic.
Great thread. I am definitely a passionate person and certain bands give me a certain vibe... I am not big on lyrics though. It is more of the emotion the musicians and vocals project as opposed to any "words" said in the song.

Vanden Plas - Most of their songs are very melencholoy but almost always show a ray of hope and great things to come.

Accept - The most intense band in the world. Pure fist pounding, want to go beat up my neighbor or break something metal. Even with their poor English, you can feel the emotion in every member of this band. Wolf also stirs up emotions on very many of his solos. He is a master and he brings a sense of awe to me even after 20 plus years of listening to him.

Metal Church - One of the few bands (Howe era) that really does attract my attention lyric wise. They give me a social concious. Howe really "bitches aboutt the problems in the world" better than almost any vocalists I can think of.

The Goo Goo Dolls - Yeah, power pop, but I can't think of any vocalist that has ever lived that puts more of his "heart" in a song than Rzeznik. The guy is a millionaire probably and I almost feel sorry for him becaus of the hurt and pain he can project with his voice. I have to go hug my wife when I listen to songs like "Iris."

There are many more, but I will stop there...

This is a Hard one to Answer I have been thinking about it for 24 hours and I Still Dont have much of an Answer but here are some Albums/Songs that have Conections with emotional points in my life hahahaha

Savatage - Edge of thorns .... This entire album has always Been able to take me away and is my Favorite Sava Album Criss's Guitar work is Masterful
Savatage Alone you Breath The Piano Version from TWOM ... Anytime I lose a Friend or Family Member to death this is THE song I listen to it makes me Ball my eyes out hahaha in the most Manly way ofcourse!
Edguy - Wash Away The poison ... another good song for when I'm down and out
Obituary Cause of Death/Morbid Angel Heretic - These are the Leave me alone or FUCKING DIE cds
Def Lepard - Hysteria - hahaha This is that "I like that Girl" cd hahaha only played when I have a Major crush going

Thats it for now!
The other day I was driving with my friend to our favourite metal bar. We were semi pissed and "I am I'm me" from Twisted Sister started playing - didn't know it was going to but we sang out loud and the power of the lyrics overcome you and you know tonight is gonna be one of those nights when we're gonna get absolutely fucken drunk and have a good time - I love it when a song does that!!
Savatage rules Johnny D! :]

:high fives him:

The bonus track on Wake of Magellan where Jon sings Alone You Breath (thats the one you are talking about right?) just makes me choke up, it is so touching and sad!

JonnyD said:
This is a Hard one to Answer I have been thinking about it for 24 hours and I Still Dont have much of an Answer but here are some Albums/Songs that have Conections with emotional points in my life hahahaha

Savatage - Edge of thorns .... This entire album has always Been able to take me away and is my Favorite Sava Album Criss's Guitar work is Masterful
Savatage Alone you Breath The Piano Version from TWOM ... Anytime I lose a Friend or Family Member to death this is THE song I listen to it makes me Ball my eyes out hahaha in the most Manly way ofcourse!
Edguy - Wash Away The poison ... another good song for when I'm down and out
Obituary Cause of Death/Morbid Angel Heretic - These are the Leave me alone or FUCKING DIE cds
Def Lepard - Hysteria - hahaha This is that "I like that Girl" cd hahaha only played when I have a Major crush going

Thats it for now!
Lol, Howe is good at that Bryant! :vD I think Savatage or Queensryche wins my "social concious lyrics" award though. :>D

Bryant said:
Metal Church - One of the few bands (Howe era) that really does attract my attention lyric wise. They give me a social concious. Howe really "bitches aboutt the problems in the world" better than almost any vocalists I can think of.
Bryant said:
The Goo Goo Dolls - Yeah, power pop, but I can't think of any vocalist that has ever lived that puts more of his "heart" in a song than Rzeznik. The guy is a millionaire probably and I almost feel sorry for him becaus of the hurt and pain he can project with his voice. I have to go hug my wife when I listen to songs like "Iris."

I know exactly where you are coming from on this one. It gets me the same way (obviously not the hugging your wife bit :lol: :lol: :lol: that would mean far too much travelling to make it feasible every time I heard the song :grin: ) The song and the video that goes with it are both amazing. Drops of Jupiter by Train is another in the same vein althouh not quite so good as The Goo Goo Dolls
Oh I forgot a good one since I'm close to fly again. Since 1992 I have a curious custom, I always take off hearing 'Overkill' from Motorhead (yes I know is illegal to use electronic devices during take off, but nothing ever happened and besides fuck off!).
So as soon as the plane is ready to lift and begins to accelerate in the runway I press play and the insanity begins. I tell you people is a rush like nothing else, hearing 'Overkill' while friggin' jet is accelerating. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
WIntersReflection said:
Savatage rules Johnny D! :]

:high fives him:

The bonus track on Wake of Magellan where Jon sings Alone You Breath (thats the one you are talking about right?) just makes me choke up, it is so touching and sad!

:grin: *High Fives*! They Do indeed! ..... Yep thats the one I'm Talkin About I havnt actually listened to that song since about New Years 2003 when My Bro Z took his life.... it is VERY touching! I cant really listen to it otherwise just because its a very special song hahahah I could go on for days about it ... its definetly the Best Ballad I have ever heard hahahah Makes me Ball like a lil baby hahaha
That songs makes us all
... it is just soooo sad and beautiful!
Wyvern said:
Oh I forgot a good one since I'm close to fly again. Since 1992 I have a curious custom, I always take off hearing 'Overkill' from Motorhead (yes I know is illegal to use electronic devices during take off, but nothing ever happened and besides fuck off!).
So as soon as the plane is ready to lift and begins to accelerate in the runway I press play and the insanity begins. I tell you people is a rush like nothing else, hearing 'Overkill' while friggin' jet is accelerating. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

That fucking RULES, man!!!! :worship:

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Metal Dog said:
I know exactly where you are coming from on this one. It gets me the same way (obviously not the hugging your wife bit :lol: :lol: :lol: that would mean far too much travelling to make it feasible every time I heard the song :grin: ) The song and the video that goes with it are both amazing. Drops of Jupiter by Train is another in the same vein althouh not quite so good as The Goo Goo Dolls
Ha ha ha well of course I was exaggerating a bit on the "hugging the wife" part, but even though The Dolls might be a little bubble gum, few vocalists can touch Rzeznik in expressing emotion. I wouldn't mind hearing him getting a little heavier with his music. I think his forte' is probably what he is doing now, but I would be curious how he would sound doing some heavier stuff.

When I am feeling sad I like to listen to MANILLA ROAD or SKYCLAD because these 2 bands always cheer me up. When I am angry I like some old SLAYER or OVERKILL (especially hearing 'I Hate' and 'Eliminate').