Music Of Mass Destruction


Old School
Feb 12, 2002
New York
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I was lucky enough to be able to hear/see an advance of MMD. Before I say anything everyone should go to your cd collection, find Live The Island Years, and trash it (helpful hint-i'm using mine for a beer coaster). You'll never listen to it again (and I don't want to hear from all the Joey fans, John is THE singer for Anthrax). Very few live albums have that "event" feeling. My favs are Kiss Alive!, Skynyrd One More From The Road and Lizzy's Live and Dangerous. They have a larger than life vibe to them. For me this is right up there, it's one of my favorite things Anthrax has ever done. Everyone's been asking for a live album with John. We got that, and a whole lot more.
The mix on this is amazing, you can hear everything. A good comparison is Zep's How The West Was Won, it has that clarity. You hear drum fills and guitar flourishes that usually get lost in the muddy sound of a live show.
By the time they get to the second song, "got the time", they're on fire, you know you're in for something special and it doesn't let up. You can feel the adrenelin. "Time" is a song i've been wishing they'd droop for years, but it's great on here. In fact all the other songs that I was kinda "tired" of (mosh, anti, indians and especially noize) have a new life on here.
The song for me that stands out the most is "inside out". Best version ever, hands down. It's faster, but it really works like this. I wish they'd play it that way all the time. "Safe Home" is another one that gets the adrenelin rush treatment. It's not a bad thing, it gives you another version of a great song.
On "nobody knows anything" Charlie shows everyone that it can be done live (take that Lars).
"Refuse" on album, I like, but in the live setting it's a monster. In "I am the law" there's one point where Rob is doing the solo and the look on his face is like, how fast are we gonna play this?, but he keeps up. Priceless.
It's great having a live version of "be all.." too, i'm so glad they started playing it again. Any songs I didn't mention wasn't for any reason, it's just one of those albums where there's highlights all over the place and you just take it as a whole, because when it's this good, that's all you can do. Everyone's going to have different songs they wish were on here (hell, I won't be happy until I make the set list). These are the songs they played that night and they're great versions. That's it.
I can't tell you how many times i've seen Anthrax, I lost count somewhere back in '87. I wish I was at this one though. I'm jealous of each and every on of you that were there.
I didn't really talk about the dvd, but it doesn't matter. This is a great live album, to be able to watch it is just the cherry on top. Don't get me wrong, the dvd is great. You can tell Charlie had a big hand in the whole thing. It's a dvd geeks dream. The extras are different, not just the same old thing. If Charlie is this involved in the box set, and keeps his "fan" approach to it, it'll be one of the better ones.
If it's gonna be a new beginning for Anthrax, without Frank, then there couldn't have been a better ending than this....METAL
BIGPHAT442 said:
I didn't really talk about the dvd, but it doesn't matter. This is a great live album, to be able to watch it is just the cherry on top. Don't get me wrong, the dvd is great.
I hope for two things which are important to me with live DVD.
A : It has a nice "real life" look to it. An opposite example would be the live Dio NYC DVD from last year.....grainy and "artsy" (crappy) looking. I hate that.
B : That the camera angle switching isn't too fast, like the current trend has unfortunately been for the last few years. I like to be able to actually see what someone is playing, as opposed to getting motion sickness from cut, cut, cut, cut, every second.
nythraxfan said:
I hope for two things which are important to me with live DVD.
A : It has a nice "real life" look to it. An opposite example would be the live Dio NYC DVD from last year.....grainy and "artsy" (crappy) looking. I hate that.
B : That the camera angle switching isn't too fast, like the current trend has unfortunately been for the last few years. I like to be able to actually see what someone is playing, as opposed to getting motion sickness from cut, cut, cut, cut, every second.
I know in B you have Iron Maiden's Rock in Rio in mind. I don't think I was ever able to count to three before the camera angle changed. Such a shame as I'd give it a 5 star rating despite Clansman if it weren't for the camera editing.
B is a very good point

Come to think of it, one of the main reasons why being at the recording up at Avatar Studio a couple of months ago was so off the hook was that there was NO camera angle switching. There was no mosh pit or barrier to distract my line of sight. I was inches away from all the action and had the advantage of focusing on whatever I wanted. I guess you could say it's the differrence between theater and cinema.

I hope the switching isn't too fast. I'm sure it's a killer DVD but that would be the cherry on top.
nythraxfan said:
I hope for two things which are important to me with live DVD.
A : It has a nice "real life" look to it. An opposite example would be the live Dio NYC DVD from last year.....grainy and "artsy" (crappy) looking. I hate that.
B : That the camera angle switching isn't too fast, like the current trend has unfortunately been for the last few years. I like to be able to actually see what someone is playing, as opposed to getting motion sickness from cut, cut, cut, cut, every second.
I know what you're talking about, I hate that. There is cutting and some effects, but it's not overdone and it's nowhere near that too fast style. No one will be disappointed, this is what we've been waiting for.:headbang:
Is there an option to have the camera on Charlie for the ENTIRETY of "Nobody Knows Anything"?
Remember, in the Germany footage on S.O.D. Speak English or Live, when the camera was on Charlie during pretty much ALL of "Speak English or Die"?
That was AWESOME!
ThraxDude said:
Is there an option to have the camera on Charlie for the ENTIRETY of "Nobody Knows Anything"?
Remember, in the Germany footage on S.O.D. Speak English or Live, when the camera was on Charlie during pretty much ALL of "Speak English or Die"?
That was AWESOME!

Yes, that would be cool as long as the sound comes from, you know, a soundboard, instead of a video camera on stage...

NP: Rush - Grace Under Pressure
Yeah the vision of that was cool but shame about it being a home vid camera with shitty sound.
I was lucky enough to also get an advance copy over a month ago, along with getting a looksee at the new video for What Doesnt Die (which kicks serious ass).

Anyway back to MMD. This is the best live DVD ever. The dvd is filmed perfectly, no quick cutting back and forth, no crappy angles. There are some parts that remind me of the show 24, and how it is filmed (if you watch 24 you will understand when you see the DVD) Great job on the editing. The 5.1 surround sound is so amazing, if you dont have a surround sound system, its time to save up kids because, well, because its 2004 and its time to embrace the future. The 2.0 mix is good, but WHY???? Thank god its filmed in widevision, because the aspect is so better, another reason to embrace the future.

Back to the DVD, from the start to the end every song kicks ass, I am jelous of you folks in Chicago that got to be there live, but for us non-chicago folks, this dvd makes you feel like you were there. I started a one man mosh pit in my living room. Did I mention how great the 5.1 mix is.

The extras were great, my copy did not have any easter eggs, but only because they werent edited in at that point. The "Rob footage" is so funny you might piss your pants laughing, seriousally it is that funny. Watching Alex Ross design the cover was a great segment, as he is a genuine fan of the band.

My favorite part of the whole video is the two songs that were filmed in Flint Michigan. All I can say (no spoilers) is Bush is the best singer Anthrax ever had. I totally agree about using your Live The Island Yearscd as a coaster. I never want to listen to Joey sing another Anthrax song. John Bush IS the singer for Anthrax.

I have watched this DVD close to 50 times now, and am not, nor will I ever be sick of it. This DVD should be reguarded as the best live performance captured by any band ever.

I give it 5 horns up out of five :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

PS. If you consider yourself a diehard Anthrax fan, you should be waitng in line before your local store opens onApril 20th, so you dont have to wait 1 extra minute to see this. For those in Southern California that get to see it early, ENJOY, it will leave you amazed at how fucken great this DVD is, and how great a band ANTHRAX is, and will always be.